Некоторые материалы для закрепления знаний грамматики (распространенные глаголы) и словарного запаса английского языка для детей младших классов по теме "Мой день после школы".
English | Русский |
listen to music | слушать музыку |
play with friends | играть с друзьями |
read a book | читать книгу |
write an email | писать имэйл |
do my homework | делать домашнюю работу |
help my mum | помогать моей маме |
help to cook | помогать готовить |
play football | играть в футбол |
watch TV | смотреть телевизор |
draw a picture | рисовать картину |
go to the park | идти в парк |
play computer games | играть в компьютерные игры |
play the piano | играть на фортепиано |
dance | танцевать |
sing a song | петь песню |
tidy my room | прибираться в моей комнате |
After school
After school,
There’s a lot to do.
Things on my own,
And things with you.
I do my homework,
I help my mum.
I play with friends,
And we have fun.
After school …
I write and email,
I read a book.
I listen to music,
I help to cook.
After school …
On the base of N. Simmons, Family and Friends 2, 2nd Edition, (Oxford: Oxford University Press), p. 44.
Письменное задание
Опишите свой день после школы (можете разместить текст в блоке для комментариев).
Пример: My name is Fedya. After school, I do my homework. Then I go to the park and play football with my friends. After that I go home and read a book. In the evening I draw a picture. Then I play computer games and watch TV.
Грамматические упражнения
1. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the brackets
Kirill __ (listen) to music every day.
I __ (play) with friends on Tuesdays.
Tamara __ (read) her favourite book in the evenings.
They __ (write) emails often.
My friend __ (do) his homework on Sundays.
I and my brother __ (help) my mum in the mornings.
I __ (help) to cook on Saturdays.
I __ (not play) football with other kids.
She __ (watch) TV every evening.
- Tanya __ (draw) a picture at the weekends.
2. Make questions
They go to the park - Do they go to the park?
She plays computer games - __
He plays the piano - __
You dance - __
She sings a song - __
- I tidy my room - __