Question words (Вопросительные слова)

1. Заполните предложения с правильными вопросительными словами.

1. “ ____________ you do sport at the weekend?” “Yes, I do. I do skateboarding.”

2. “ ____________ do you buy your clothes?” “On the internet.”

3. “ ____________ do you do your homework?” “In the evenings.”

4. “ ____________ sport do you play?” “Football.”

5. “ ____________ is your brother?” “He’s seventeen.”

6. “ ____________ helps you with your English homework?” 'my sister. She’s good at English.”

7. “ ____________ your father watch the news in the evening?” “Yes, he does.”

Ответы (Answers)


1. Do

2. Where

3. When

4. What

5. How old

6. Who

7. Does


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