Would and wouldn’t. Ответы


1. wouldn’t 2. wouldn’t 3. would 4. wouldn’t 5. would 6. would


1. would 2. would 3. wouldn’t 4. wouldn’t 5. would


2. I would clean up the neighbourhood.

3. What would you do to make things better?

4. I would help homeless people.

5. What would you do to change things?

6. I wouldn’t change anything at all.


1. would you go

2. I would go

3. I would study

4. Would you live

5. I wouldn’t live

6. It would be

7. I would join

8. I wouldn’t play

9. I would play


1. wouldn’t 2. would 3. wouldn’t 4. I’d 5. would 6. wouldn’t


2. Would you mentor 3. wouldn’t go 4. would you do 5. wouldn’t help 6. would you go


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