Should or shouldn’t. Ответы

should or shouldn’t


1. shouldn’t 2. should 3. should 4. should 5. shouldn’t 6. shouldn’t


1. Should; she should

2. Should; you shouldn't

3. Should; she should

4. Should; he shouldn't

5. Should; you should

6. Should; they should

7. Should; he shouldn't


1. should 2. shouldn’t 3. shouldn’t 4. should 5. should 6. should


1. Should; he should

2. Should; you should

3. Should; she shouldn’t

4. Should; you should

5. Should; they shouldn’t

6. Should; you should

7. Should; you should


1. shouldn’t

2. should

3. Should

4. should

5. should

6. Should

7. shouldn’t


1. should

2. shouldn’t

3. Should

4. should

5. should

6. Should

7. shouldn’t


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