Украинская кухня Ukrainian cuisine

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Name Ingredients
Borsch vegetable soup made of beets, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, dill (укроп).
Kapusnyak soup made with pork, salo (pork fat), sauerkraut (квашеная капуста), served with sour cream
Yushka fish soup, made of fresh-water fish, usually carp
Zelenyj borsch soup with sorrel (щавель) and various vegetables, served with chopped hard boiled egg and sour cream
Olivye salad made of cooked and chopped potatoes, eggs, chicken or ham, onions, canned peas, mixed with mayonnaise
Vinigret salad with cooked and chopped beets, sauerkraut, potatoes, onions, and carrots, sometimes pickles mixed with some sunflower oil and salt
Main course
Varenyky Dumplings (пельмени) stuffed with fillings such as potato and cheese, often served boiled
Perohy small pastries made with fillings, such as mashed potatoes and fried onions, ground meat (мясной фарш) and fried onions, liver and fried onions, fried cabbage with fried onions, cherries, and strawberries. Served with sour cream and butter or sugar, when filled with fruits
Pyrizhky Small buns filled with potato and baked in thickened rich cream and dill
Holubtsi (cabbage rolls) cabbage leaves (fresh or sour) rolled with rice filling and may contain meat, baked in oil and carmelized onions and may contain as a baking sauce tomato soup, cream or sour cream, bacon drippings or roasted with bacon strips on top
Mlyntsi pancakes filled with cottage cheese (творог), meat, cabbage, fruits, served with sour cream
Studenets aspic (холодец) made with fish or meat
Kasha hrechana zi shkvarkamy buckwheat cereal with pork rinds and (or) onion
Kartoplia (potato) young or peeled, served with butter, sour cream, and dill
Gulyash similar to stew in general and specifically Hungarian goulash
Kovbasa (sausage) various kinds of smoked or boiled pork, beef or chicken sausage
Kotleta po-kyivsky (Chicken Kiev) breaded cutlet dish of boneless chicken breast pounded and rolled around cold garlic butter with herbs, then breaded and either fried or baked
Salo lard, pork fatback
Kotlety / Sichenyky minced meat (мясной фарш) or fish mixed with eggs, onions, garlic, breadcrumbs, and milk, fried in oil and sometimes rolled in breadcrumbs
Deruny potato pancakes, usually served with rich servings of sour cream
Kutya traditional Christmas dish, made of poppy seeds (семена мака), wheat, nuts, and honey
Pampushky sweet dough (тесто) similar to doughnut holes, tossed with sugar
Syrnyky fried curd cheese fritters (оладьи), sometimes with raisins, served with sour cream and jam
Torte many varieties of cakes, most typical ones being Kyjivskyj, Prazhskyj, and Trufelnyj, frequently made without flour, instead using ground walnuts (грецкий орех) or almonds (миндаль).
Zhele jellied fruits, like cherries, pears, etc.
Kompot a sweet beverage made of dried or fresh fruits and (or) berries boiled in water
Uzvar a sweet beverage made of dried fruit, mainly apples, pears, and prunes (чернослив)
Kvas a sweet-and-sour sparkling beverage brewed from yeast (дрожжи), sugar, and dried rye bread
Kefir milk fermented by both yeast and lactobacillus bacteria, has similar taste to yogurt
Ryazhanka a kind of natural yogurt made of baked milk
Mineral water usually come strongly carbonated
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