Superlative adjectives (Прилагательные превосходной степени). Ответы


1. the most crowded

2. the tollest

3. the best

4. the most interesting

5. the biggest

6. the craziest

7. the smallest

8. the worst

9. the largest

10. the most difficult


1. the highest 2. The widest 3. the most crowded 4. the longest 5. the tallest 6. the most expensive 7. the deepest 8. the biggest 9. the largest

3. 1. the longest 2. the most crowded 3. the smallest 4. the tallest 5. the largest 6. the deepest


1. the longest

2. the highest

3. the biggest

4. the smallest

5. the coldest


2. Aconcagua is the highest mountain in South America.

3. Antonio’s is the best restaurant in town.

4. Shenzhen is the most crowded city in China.

5. Russia is the largest country in the world.

6. English is the most interesting subject at school.

7. Dallol, Ethiopia is the hottest place on Earth.

8. The cheetah is the fastest animal on land.

9. Zhmerinka is the most expensive city in Poland.


1. the deepest

2. the longest

3. the largest

4. the highest

5. the tallest

6. the fastest

7. the coldest

8. the driest


1. youngest

2. biggest

3. scariest

4. largest

5. the funniest

6. the shortest

7. the best

8. the worst

9. the most interesting

10. the most beautiful


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