Countable or uncountable Упражнения по грамматике

Are these nouns countable or uncountable?

1. water ____________

2. fruit ____________

3. coconut ____________

4. bread ____________

5. DVD ____________

6. meat ____________

7. ball ____________

8. snack____________

9. glasses____________

10. pen ____________

11. milk____________

12. chair____________

13. gasoline____________

14. table____________

15. cream____________

16. money____________

17. oil ____________

18. insect____________

19. sofa____________

20. yogurt____________

21. school____________

22. bus ____________

23. food ____________

24. chocolate ____________

25. ship ____________

Complete the sentences 'a / an´, `some´ and `any´


1. Lisa's got a / an towel.

2. Ana's got a / some rucksack.

3. Lucía’s got an / some insect repellent.

4. Javi hasn't got some / any sunglasses.

5. Antonio's got a / some swimming costume.

6. Ignacio hasn't got any / some sandwiches.

7. Angeles has got an / a apple.

8. There aren't any / some cafés in the city.

9. I haven't got any / some money.

10. Have you got some / any sun cream?

11. We´ve got some / any sandwiches.

12. We need a / an torch for our camping trip.

13. There isn't some / any litter on the beach.

14. I´m going to buy any / an ice cream.

15. Can I have some / a strawberries?

16. You can have this cereal with some / a milk.

17. I´ve got any / some fruit.

18. There isn't some / an elephant.

19. There aren't some / any sharks.

20. Are there some / any plants?

21. Is there a / an tree?

22. Is there some / any cheese in the fridge?

23. There is a / some water in the fridge?

24. The supermarket's got some / a strawberries.

25. I´ve got a / some soup in the fridge.


1. There isn't _________ electricity at the campsite.

2. There aren't _________ sunglasses in the shop.

3. I´ve got _________ apple in my bag.

4. There are _________ sandwiches.

5. I´ll buy _________ bottle of water at the beach.

6. I haven't got _________ radios in my room.

7. Is there _________ internet café in your town?

8. There aren't _________ computers in my classroom.

9. Have you got _________ brothers and sisters?

10. My teacher's got _________ new car.

11. There's _________ water in the bottle.

12. I´m going to buy _________ chips.

13. There is _________ camera.

14. She's got _________ pear.

15. You can have _________ potatoes.

16. Have you got _________ lemons?

17. I´ve got _________ cherries.

18. We need _________ water.

19. We´ve got _________ bread.

20. We don't need _________ strawberries.

21. Have we got _________ cheese?

22. Have you got _________ apple?

23. We need _________ banana.

24. I´ve got _________ orange juice.

25. They haven't got _________ hamburgers.


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