Here are some of the most common verbs that are followed by the gerund:

enjoyI enjoyed working in France
fancyI fancy watching a film tonight
discussWe discussed doing project together
dislikeI dislike standing in queues
finishWe've finished preparing for the presentation
mindI don't mind coming early
suggestHe suggested staying at the Hayat Hotel
recommendThey recommended meeting earlier
keepHe kept working, although he felt ill
avoidShe avoided talking to her mother

And here are some common verbs followed by 'to' and the infinitive:

agreeHe agreed to give a presentation at the meeting
askI asked to leave early
decideWe decided to go out for dinner
helpHe helped to clean the flat
planShe plans to buy a new house next year
hopeI hope to pass the test
learnThey are learning to sing
wantI want to come to the party
would likeI would like to see her tonight
promiseWe promised not to be there at all

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