Reported speech. Ответы Упражнения по грамматике

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate forms of the words


• Ivan said, “My brother went to Irpen.“

• Ivan said that _his_ brother _had gone_ to Irpen.


• The kids said, “Our mum will come at five.”

• The kids said that _their_ mum _would come_ at five.


• Sveta says, “I have never eaten Borsch.”

• Sveta says that _she_ _has never eaten_ Borsch.


• Artem says, “We live in Podolsk.”

• Artem says that _they_ _live_ in Podolsk.


• Vova explained, “My sister doesn’t drink milk.”

• Vova explained that _his_ sister _didn't drink_ milk.


• Marusya said, “I have never been to Gorlovka.”

• Marusya said that _she_ _had never_ been to Gorlovka.


• The press secretary said, ”The president is coming in three hours.”

• The press secretary said that the president _was coming_ in three hours.


• She said, ”We will not go to the concert on Saturday.”

• She said that _they_ _would not go_ to the concert on Saturday.


• Pasha said, ”I like Zemfira’s new song.”

• Pasha said that _he_ _liked_ Zemfira’s new song.


• The teacher said, “We hadn't studied it before the beginning of this year.”

• The teacher said that _they_ _hadn't studied_ it before the beginning of _that_ year.


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