IELTS Listening Test 99

Part 1: Questions 1-6
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.

Hotel Information
Name of accommodation: Carlton Hotel
Length of stay: 3 nights
Ages of children: (1) ………………
Rooms available: Two en-suites at £270
Price inclusive of: (2) ………………
Payment method: credit card
Name: Michael (3) ………………
Date of birth: (4) ……………… 1968
Address: 273, Stanton Court, London.
Post code: (5) ………………
Telephone: 08773 (6) ………………

Questions 7-10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.

(7) ………………                        (8)    ………………
(9) ………………                       (10) ………………

Part 2: Questions 11-14
Complete the correct option below.

11. The company expanded in
A . 2000
B . 2007
C . 2014

12. The number of permanent staff is
A . 75
B . 90
C . 150

13. Most volunteers join the program
A . in winter
B . in July
C . when it is best for them

14. Time Abroad receives all its income from
A . partner organisations
B . volunteers
C . the government

Questions 15-20
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.

(15) ………………                    (16) ………………
(17) ………………                    (18) ………………
(19) ………………                    (20) ………………

Part 3: Questions 21-23
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

21. How long did Louise work at a radio station?
A . 2 years
B . 4 years
C . 6 years

22. Why does Louise want to do a Masters?
A . to get a promotion in her current job
B . to go into TV
C . Employers like post-graduate qualifications

23. How long will it take to do the Masters part-time rather than the modular route?
A . 18 months
B . 3 years
C . 4 years

Questions 24 and 25
Choose TWO letters A-F.

Which two things must Louise have to join the course?
A A bachelor’s degree
B Work experience
C Either a bachelor’s degree or work experience
D Research experience
E A completed thesis
F Motivation

Questions 26-30

Fees and Funding
The fees are (26) ……………… per year to do the course part-time. The university has a (27) ……………… it can use to fund the most suitable students. You must have a (28) ……………… in place before you can get any funding. The details on funding can be found on the (29) ……………… That will also have information on eligibility, help available, and (30) ………………

Part 4: Questions 31-35
Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

31. Indian Railways is owned and ……………… by the government of India.
32. There are more than ……………… million people working for Indian Railways.
33. The ……………… of the railways from 1857 occurred under Robert Maitland Brereton.
34. The joining of the East Indian Railway with the Great Indian Peninsula Railway led to a network of ……………… kilometres.
35. The route from Bombay to Calcutta, opened in 1870, was an ……………… for the book Around the World in 80 days.

Questions 36-40
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

(36) ………………                 (37) ………………
(38) ………………                 (39) ………………
(40) ………………

Show answers

1. 9 and 12
2. tax
3. Fernsby
4. 15 October
5. WC2D5JB
6. 879456
7. 15
8. avenue
9. the (nice) park
10. 30 minutes
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. conversation
16. learning experience
17. responsible
18. organic
19. sick animals
20. understanding
21. A
22. C
23. B
24. C
25. F
26. pounds 2400
27. budget
28. firm offer
29. university website
30. how to apply
31. operated
32. 1.4
33. expansion
34. 6400
35. inspiration
36. Bombay
37. rail systems
38. disrepair/ collapse
39. capital value
40. coaches

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