IELTS Listening Test 91

Part 1: Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Public Library
The library re-opened last month

The library now has
• A seating area with magazines
• An expanded section for books on (1) ………………
• A new section on local (2) ………………
• A community room for meetings (also possible to (3) ……………… there)
• A new section of books for (4) ………………

For younger children
• The next Science club meeting: experiments using things from your (5) ………………
• Reading challenge: read six books during the holidays

For adults
• This Friday: a local author talks about a novel based on a real (6) ………………
• IT support is available on Tuesday-no (7) ……………… is necessary
• Free check of blood (8) ……………… and cholesterol levels

Other information
• The library shop sells wall charts, cards and (9) ………………
• Evenings and weekends: free (10) ……………… is available

Part 2: Questions 11 and 12
Choose TWO letters A-E.

Which TWO age groups are taking increasing numbers of holidays with BC Travel?
A 16-30 years
B 31-42 years
C 43-54 years
D 55-64 years
E over 65 years

Questions 13 and 14
Choose TWO letters A-E.

Which TWO are the main reasons given for the popularity of activity holidays?
A clients make new friends
B clients learn a useful skill
C clients learn about a different culture
D clients are excited by the risk involved
E clients find them good value for money

Questions 15-17
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

15. How does BC Travel plan to expand the painting holidays?
A . by adding to the number of locations
B . by increasing the range of levels
C . by employing more teachers

16. Why are BC Travel’s cooking holidays unusual?
A . they only use organic foods
B . they have an international focus
C . they mainly involve vegetarian dishes

17. What does the speaker say about the photography holidays?
A . clients receive individual tuition
B . the tutors are also trained guides
C . advice is given on selling photographs

Questions 18-20
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

(18) ………………
(19) ………………
(20) ………………

• Locate and read relevant articles, noting key information and also (21) ……………… identify a problem or need
• Select interviewees – these may be site (22) ……………… , visitors for city (23) ………………
• Prepare and carry out interview. If possible collect statistics.
• Check whether (24) ……………… of interviewees can be used

• Select relevant information and try to identify (25) ………………
• Decide on the best form of visuals

• Give some background writing the main sections
• Do not end with (26) ………………

Questions 27-30
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

The Horton Castle Site
27. Natalie and Dave agree one reason why so few people visit Horton Castle is that
A . the publicity is poor
B . it is difficult to get to
C . there is little there of interest

28. Natalie and Dave agree that the greatest problem with a visitor centre could be
A . covering the investment costs
B . finding a big enough space for it
C . dealing with planning restrictions

29. What does Dave say about conditions in the town of Horton?
A . there is a lot of unemployment
B . there are few people of working age
C . there are opportunities for skilled worker

30. According to Natalie, one way to prevent damage to the castle site would be to
A . insist visitors have a guide
B . make visitors keep to the paths
C . limit visitor numbers

Part 4: Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

The effects of environmental change on birds
Mercury (Hg)
• Highly toxic
• Released into the atmosphere from coal
• In water it may be consumed by fish
• It has also recently been found to affect birds which feed on (31) ………………

Research on effects of mercury on birds
• Claire Varian Ramos is investigating:
o The effects on birds’ (32) ……………… or mental processes e.g. memory
o The effects on bird song (usually learned from a bird’s (33) ……………… )
• Findings:
o Songs learned by birds exposed to mercury are less (34) ………………
o This may have a negative effect on birds’ (35) ………………
• Lab based studies:
o Allow more (36) ……………… for the experimenter

Implications for humans
• Migrating birds such as (37) ……………… containing mercury may be eaten by humans
• Mercury also causes problems in learning (38) ………………
• Mercury in a mother’s body from (39) ……………… may affect the unborn child
• New regulations for mercury emissions will affect everyone’s energy (40) ………………

Show answers

1. travel
2. history
3. study
4. teenagers
5. kitchen
6. crime
7. appointment/ booking
8. sugar
9. stamps
10. parking
11. D
12. E
13. A
14. C
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. stress
19. weight
20. families
21. C
22. E
23. H
24. B
25. A
26. F
27. A
28. C
29. B
30. B
31. insects
32. behaviour
33. father
34. complex
35. reproduction
36. control
37. ducks
38. language
39. food
40. cost/ price

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