English Grammar Exercises for B2 – Second and third conditional

1. Correct the mistakes in the second conditional sentences. Tick the correct sentences.

     If I know knew the answer, I would tell you.

1) He can save money if he didn’t buy so many clothes.

2) If it snows tomorrow, we might not have to go to school.

3) I would listen to your parents’ advice if I were you.

4) If Dan were older, he would be able to ride a motorbike.

5) She could go to university if she would study harder.

6) If they aren’t so tired, they’d come out with us later.

7) Pat would learn to play the guitar if he has more time.

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1) He could save money if he didn’t buy so many clothes.

2) ✓  3) ✓  4)

5) She could go to university if she studied harder.

6) If they weren’t so tired, they’d come out with us later.

7) Pat would learn to play the guitar if he had more time.

2. Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.

fall      go      help      not leave      lend      not remember      see      tell

1) If he’d finished his homework, he would ____________ to bed earlier.

2) I could ____________ you some money if you’d asked me.

3) She might ____________ if I hadn’t reminded her.

4) If they ____________ Sam recently, they would have invited him to the concert.

5) We could ____________ him if we’d known he was in trouble.

6) If the bus ____________ on time, we might have missed the start of the match.

7) You could have hurt yourself if you ____________ off that ladder!

8) If Jenny didn’t trust you, she wouldn’t ____________ you her secret.

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1) have gone 2) have lent 3) not have remembered

4) had seen 5) have helped 6) hadn’t left 7) had fallen

8) have told

3. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

The internet has transformed campaigning. Campaign organisers couldn’t publicise their campaigns if we 1) _________ (have) the internet. Many protests and demonstrations simply 2) _________ (not happen) if the public hadn’t learned about the campaigns through social media. Many people say they would only get involved in a campaign if they 3) _________ (see) their online friends were too. Support for direct action such as protests 4) _________ (not be) so great if the organisers couldn’t send details about where and when so quickly and to so many people. And in the past, if there had been a major news story like a demonstration, it 5) _________ (take) a whole day to be reported; today, if you 6) _________ (post) images from your smartphone, they could be online almost instantly for everyone to see.

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1) didn’t have 2) wouldn’t have happened  3) saw

4) wouldn’t be  5) would have taken  6) post / posted

4. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 Supposing / Unless we didn’t have antibiotics – life would be very different.

2) She wouldn’t have voted for him supposing / unless she really thought he could make a difference.

3 Unless / Even if we got rid of nuclear weapons, there would still always be wars.

4 Unless / Supposing everyone thought their vote didn’t count? Nobody would vote!

5) I would never vote for that party, supposing / even if I were old enough.

6 Unless / Supposing I hadn’t got lost, I wouldn’t have found such a beautiful view!

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1) Supposing 2) unless 3) Even if 4) Supposing

5) even if 6) Supposing

5. Choose the correct options (a-c) to complete the text.

How would you feel if you 1) ___ the right to vote as an adult? Or 2) ___ you lived in a country where it was illegal not to vote – how would you feel then? In many countries where voting isn’t compulsory, the number of people doing so has fallen dramatically. If their ancestors 3) ___ that fewer than 60% of the public would vote during the US presidential elections, they 4) ___ have fought so hard for that right. But there are 22 nations around the world where you’d have to vote in an election, 5) ___ you didn’t want to. And if you lived in Australia, you could be fined 6) ___ you voted!

1)  a hadn’t  b didn’t have  c hadn’t had

2)  a unless  b even if  c supposing

3)  a had known  b knew  c would know

4)  a couldn’t b might not      c hadn’t

5)  a supposing  b unless  c even if

6)  a unless        b even if  c supposing

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1)2)3)4) b  5)6) a

6. Rewrite the sentences in the second or third conditional so that they have the same meaning. Use the words in brackets.

1) She didn’t receive the email so she missed the meeting. (if)


2) He could beg me to go, but I’d still refuse! (even)


3) Because I’m not from Greece, I don’t speak Greek. (were)


4) What would you do first if you were the President? (supposing)


5) computer’s broken, so I can’t check emails. (could)


6) If he hadn’t thought it was really important, he wouldn’t have gone on the demonstration. (unless)


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1) If she had received the email, she wouldn’t have missed the meeting.

2) Even if he begged me to go, I’d still refuse!

3) If I were from Greece, I’d speak Greek.

4) Supposing you were the President, what would you do first?

5) If computer wasn’t broken, I could check emails.

6) He wouldn’t have gone on the demonstration unless he had thought it was really important.

7. Complete the second and third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1) You ____________ money on your electricity bill if you didn’t leave the lights on. (save)

2) If I ____________ the train, I wouldn’t have been late for job interview. (not miss)

3) You ____________ the exam if you’d bothered to study. (not fail)

4) If we ____________ to the head teacher, do you think it would make a difference? (speak)

5) I ____________ you some money if you’d asked me. (lend)

6) If we ____________ a car, I’d have to walk everywhere. (not have)

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1) would save   2) hadn’t missed   3) wouldn’t have failed

4) spoke   5) would have lent   6) didn’t have

8. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1) I wouldn’t have known about the party even if / supposing / unless you’d told me. Shall we go together?

2 Even if / Supposing / Unless you lost your job, what would you do then? Would you look for another one?

3) I would have enjoyed the concert even if / supposing / unless it had rained. I love that band!

4) I wouldn’t complain even if / supposing / unless there was a problem – and there is!

5  Even if / Supposing / Unless we left now, we wouldn’t get to the match on time

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1) unless   2) Supposing   3) even if   4) unless   5) Even if

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