Listening Exercises A2 – Socializing

Phoning a friend

1. Mark telephones his friend Brian on Sunday night. Listen to their conversation. What is the main reason for the phone call? Choose a, b or c.

a to find out what Brian did at the weekend

b to find out what Brian is doing next weekend

c to invite Brian to a birthday party

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c They talk about what Brian did last weekend but most of the conversation is about Mark’s birthday party.

2. Brian tells you about Mark’s party. He has got some of the information wrong. Read what Brian says, then listen again and correct his mistakes.

Mark called last night. It’s his birthday this week and he’s having a party on Friday to celebrate. It starts at eight o’clock. He wants me to take some food. I’m looking forward to it.

Answer & Transcript


(Mark = American)

Brian:     Hello, Brian speaking

Mark:     Hi Brian. It’s Mark here.

Brian:     Hi Mark. How are you?

Mark:     I’m fine. How are you?

Brian:     Fine.

Mark:     I haven’t caught you at a bad time, have I?

Brian:     No, no. I was just watching TV.

Mark:     Oh good. Have you had a good weekend?

Brian:     Yeah, I went to the cinema with some friends yesterday. I haven’t done much today. Just at home ___ watching TV. Yeah, it’s been good. What about you?

Mark:     Yeah not too bad. Hey, actually the reason I’m ringing is because it’s birthday next week ___

Brian:     Oh OK, yeah.

Mark:     ___ and um I thought I might have a few people round at the weekend to celebrate and I was wondering if you wanted to come.

Brian:     That sounds good. What day?

Mark:     Saturday, Saturday night.

Brian:     Saturday. Yeah, yeah. I don’t have any plans for next Saturday. Great. What time?

Mark:     Um, about 7.30.

Brian:     OK. But I don’t think I can get there till 8 o’clock.

Mark:     No problem.

Brian:     Do you want me to bring anything?

Mark:     No nothing. I’ll get the food and everything.

Brian:     OK. Do you want anything special for your birthday?

Mark:     No. No you don’t have to buy a birthday present. Just come along and help me celebrate. That’s all.

Brian:     OK. That sounds great.

Mark:     See you on Saturday.

Brian:     Cool. See you then.

Mark:     Bye for now.

Brian:     Bye

3. Listen to Brian telling you about Mark’s party. He now has the correct information. Check your answers.

Answer & Transcript

Mark called last night. It’s his birthday this next week and he’s having a party on Friday Saturday to celebrate. It starts at eight o’clock 7.30 . He wants me to take some food. He doesn’t want me to take anything . I’m looking forward to it.


Mark called last night. It’s his birthday next week and he’s having a party on Saturday to celebrate. It starts at 7.30. He doesn’t want me to take anything. I’m looking forward to it.

At a party

1. Mark introduces Brian to some friends at the party. Listen to the conversation.

How many people are talking? Choose a, b or c.

a two

b three

c four

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2. Listen to the conversation again. Choose a, b, or c.

1) Why does Mark leave the conversation?

a to talk to other people

b to get some food

c to get something to drink

2) Mark and Reshma are

a friends from football.

b colleagues.

c neighbours.

3) How long was Reshma known Mark?

a two months

b one year

c two years

Answer & Transcript

1)  a He says ‘a few more people have just arrived so I’d better go and say hi’.

2   c Reshma says ‘I live next door’.

3   c Reshma says ‘I’ve known him since he moved in, a couple of years ago’. ‘A couple’ means ‘about two’.


(Mark = American; Reshma = Indian)

Mark:     Hey Brian, have you met Reshma?

Brian:     No I haven’t.

Mark:     Oh OK. Reshma, this is Brian.

Reshma:    Hello ___ um ___ sorry, what was your name?

Brian:     Brian.

Reshma:     Brian. Hi. I’m Reshma.

Brian:     Hi Reshma.

Mark:     Brian and I play football together.

Reshma:     Oh OK. Is your team doing well?

Mark:     Yeah ___ well ___ we lost last week but we usually win most of our games.

Brian:     Yeah, we’re doing really well actually ___

Mark:     Hey, I’ll be back in a minute guys. A few more people have just arrived so I’d better go and say hi.

Reshma:    OK.


Brian:     How do you know Mark?

Reshma:     Um I live next door ___

Brian:     OK.

Reshma:     So I’ve known him since he moved in, um, a couple of years ago I guess.

Brian:     OK.

3. Listen to other people at the party. Which of the topics above do they talk about?

Conversation A: __________

Conversation B: __________

Answer & Transcript

Conversation A: jobs

Conversation B: weather


Conversation A:

A:     So what do you do?

B:     Ah I work for Trust Savings Bank.

A:     Oh OK. And ah what do you do there?

B:     I work in customer services. Yeah I help people set up new accounts and that kind of thing.

A:     Oh OK. Do you like it?

B:     Yeah it’s not bad. It’s a good company to work for ___ What about you? What do you do?

A:     I’m a shop assistant. I sell mobile phones.

Conversation B:

A:     It’s cold today, isn’t it?

B:     Freezing.

A:     They say this has been the coldest winter in 30 years.

B:     Really? No wonder I’ve felt cold. Do you think it’ll snow?

A:     Maybe. That’d be really strange though because it hasn’t snowed here in years.

B:     Mmm, it’s weird how the weather’s changing. I think ___

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