English Grammar Exercises for A2 – Present simple and continuous

1. Some of the verbs in these sentences are incorrect. Correct them if necessary.

1) She’s driving to work every day. ✗

  She drives to work every day.

2) Do you need any help?


3) What are you doing on Friday evening?


4) I wear trainers today.


5) I don’t like fast food.


6) Look. That man wears pink shoes.


7) ‘What’s Sam doing?’ ‘He’s a dentist.’


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2) ✓   3) ✓   4 I’m wearing trainers today.  5)

6) Look. That man is wearing pink shoes.

7) ‘What does Sam do?’ ‘He’s a dentist.’

2. Complete the text messages with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Hi, Zoe. Help!

Hey, Ryan. 1) ____ __ you ________ (have) a bad day? Where are you?

I’m in town. I 2) ____ __ (shop) with mum.

Oh dear. What 3) ____ __ you ________ (look for)?

A smart suit and shoes. I 4) ____ __ (never / wear) smart clothes! I only 5) ____ __ (like) T-shirts and trainers.

6) ____ __ (know). Why 7) ____ __ you ________ (need) a suit?

8) ____ __ (go) to uncle’s birthday party this Saturday.

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1) Are having   2) ‘m shopping   3) are, looking for   4) never wear

5) like   6) know   7) do, need   8) ‘m going

3. Complete the pairs of sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1)  a _____ you __________ (come) with us to the cinema?

b Where __________ you __________ (come) from?

2)  a She never __________ (wear) jeans to school.

b I __________ (wear) a new top. Do you like it?

3)  a _____ she __________ (see) Martin very often?

b _____ you __________ (see) Oliver this evening?

4)  a sister __________ (play) bass in a rock band.

b Jo __________ (play) the guitar. What a terrible noise!

5)  a I __________ (hate) this ice cream. It tastes funny.

b I __________ (enjoy) this pizza. It tastes great.

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1)  a Are, coming      b do, come

2)  a wears      b ‘m wearing

3)  a Does, see      b Are, seeing

4)  a plays      b is playing

5)  a hate      b ‘m enjoying

4. Complete the conversation. Use the present continuous.

Millie  What 1) _____ you __________ (do)?

Tom   2) _____ (text) Harry. We 3) _____ (go) to a football match on Saturday.

Millie  Can I come? ___ Why 4) _____ you __________ (laugh)?

Tom    You don’t like football! You only want to go because Harry 5) _____ (go)!

Millie  That’s not fair. I won’t go then. What 6) _____ you __________ (do) in the evening?

Tom   7) _____ (go) to the cinema. But Harry 8) _____ (not go). Do you want to come?

Millie  No, thanks.

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1) are, doing   2) ‘m texting   3) ‘re going   4) are, laughing

5) is going   6) are, doing   7) ‘m going   8) isn’t going

5. Look again at exercise 4. Decide whether the present continuous is being used (a) for something that is happening now or (b) for an arrangement in the future. Write a or b.

1) ___ .

2) ___ .

3) ___ .

4) ___ .

5) ___ .

6) ___ .

7) ___ .

8) ___ .

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1) a   2) a   3) b   4) a   5) b   6) b   7) b   8) b


Write six sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous.

Two things that happen always, often, sometimes or never.

1) _______________

2) _______________

Two things that are happening now.

3) _______________

4) _______________

Two arrangements for the future.

5) _______________

6) _______________

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