English Speaking Exercises for A1 – Photo comparison

1. Complete the adjectives to describe rooms. Use a, e, i, o, u and y.

1) br__ght

2) c__mf__rt__bl__

3) c__s__

4) d__rk

5) l__rg__

6) r__l__x__ng

7) sm__ll

8) t__d__

9) __nc__mf__rt__bl__

10) __nt__d__

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1) bright   2) comfortable   3) cosy   4) dark   5) large

6) relaxing   7) small   8) tidy   9) uncomfortable   10) untidy

2. Which group do these key phrases belong to: comparing and contrasting (c) or speculating (s)? Write the correct letter in the box.

Both photos show ___

I think ___ probably ___

I would say that ___

In the first photo ___ , but in the second photo ___

It looks as if ___

Perhaps he / she / it / they ___

The first photo shows ___ , whereas the second photo shows ___

They look (+ adjective). He / She / it looks (+ adjective).

You can see ___ in both photos.

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A   Comparing and contrasting:

1) Both photos show ___

2) In the first photo ___ , but in the second photo ___

3) The first photos shows ___ , whereas the second photo shows ___

4) You can see ___ in both photos.

B   Speculating:

5) I think ___ probably ___

6) I would say that ___

7) It looks as if ___

8) Perhaps he / she /it / they ___

9) They look (+ adjective). He / She / It looks (+ adjective).

3. Listen to student comparing photos 1 and 2. Tick the phrases in exercise 2 that she uses.



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1) Both photos show ___

2) In the first photo ___ , but in the second photo ___

3) The first photos shows ___ , whereas the second photo shows ___

5) I think ___ probably ___

6) I would say that ___

7) It looks as if ___

8) Perhaps he/she/it/they ___

9) They look (+ adjective).


Both photos show living rooms, but the rooms are quite different. Photo one shows an old-fashioned room, whereas the room in photo two is much more modern. The room in photo one is quite small and dark, but I think it’s probably quite cosy. I can see two armchairs, a small table, a fireplace, a lamp and I think there’s a cupboard in the background.

The room in photo two is large, bright and very comfortable. I can see a sofa, chairs, a table, and pictures on the wall. In the first photo, there are four people, but in the second photo, there’s only one. The people in photo one are drinking tea and chatting. They look quite old and their clothes are very old-fashioned. Perhaps they are all from the same family. In fact, I’d say that the older people in the armchairs are the parents of the others. The man in photo two is sitting on a sofa, I think, and looking at a tablet. It looks as if he is reading a book. I like the room in photo two more than the one in photo one. It looks much brighter and more relaxing.

Speaking Strategy

In a photo comparison task, remember to:

–  compare the photos, pointing out any obvious similarities and difference.

–  describe the people in the photos and say what they are doing.

–  give your opinion and / or speculate about the people and situation.

4. Read the Speaking Strategy. Then look at photos 3 and 4 below of bedrooms and prepare to compare them. Make notes below.


1) Similarities




2) Differences




3) What are the people doing / wearing?




4) Your opinion / Speculation




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your own answers

5. Now do the task in exercise 4 using your notes.

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your own answers

Extra exercises


When you are comparing and contrasting people in two photos, talk first about the people in general, and then be more specific.

1. Read the Strategy. Then read the sentences and decide which two are more general and which two are more specific. Write G or S.

1) In the first photo, the people look happy because they’re smiling, whereas in the second photo they look hot and tired.   ____.

2) In the first photo, they’re skiing, while in the second photo they’re playing tennis.   ____.

3) In both photos the people are doing sport.   ____.

4) The people in the first photo are wearing warm jackets and trousers, but in the other photo, they’re wearing T-shirts and shorts.   ____.

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1) S   2) G   3) G   4) S