Improve your ability to speak English
There are many subjects that you can take at school.
favorite subject is music.
I like to sing and to play the clarinet.
I also like art.
I am quite good at drawing and painting.
History is a good subject.
I like learning about the past.
Geography is very interesting.
We look at many maps in geography.
We learn where there are deserts and mountains.
I know the names of all the continents and all the oceans.
Mathematics is least favorite subject.
I am not very good with numbers.
I am good at addition and subtraction,
but I am not good at division and multiplication.
In school we learn to speak French.
We learn French because Canada has French and English-speaking citizens.
English literature is a good subject.
I enjoy reading books.
I also like to write compositions and poetry.
Science is brother's favorite subject.
He is interested in plants, and he likes to do experiments.
We also take drama at school.
I like to act.
I got the lead role in the school play.