Exercise 1 

In some of these sentences, you need like (not as ). Correct the sentences where necessary.

1) It’s raining again. I hate weather as this.  ________

2) Andy failed his driving test, as he expected.  ________

3) Do you think Lisa looks as her mother?  ________

4) Tim gets on nerves. I can't stand people as him.  ________

5) Why didn't you do it as I told you to do it?  ________

6) Brian is a student, as most of his friends.  ________

7) You never listen. Talking to you is as talking to the wall.  ________

8) As I said before, I'm thinking of changing job.  ________

9) Tom's idea seems a good one. Let's do as he suggests.  ________

10) I'll phone you tomorrow as usual, OK?  ________

11) Suddenly there was a terrible noise. It was as a bomb exploding.  ________

12) She's a very good swimmer. She swims as a fish.  ________

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1  weather like this

2  OK

3  like her mother

4  people like him

5  OK

6  like most of his friends or as most of his friends are

7  like talking to the wall

8  OK

9  OK

10  OK

11  like a bomb exploding

12  like a fish

Exercise 2 

Complete the sentences using like or as + the following:

a beginner    blocks of ice    a palace    a birthday present

a child       a theatre       winter     a tour guide

1) This house is beautiful. It's ________

2) feet are really cold. They're ________

3) I've been playing tennis for years, but I still play ________

4) Marion once had a part-time job ________

5) I wonder what that building is. It looks ________

6) brother gave me this watch ________ a long time ago.

7) It's very cold for the middle of summer. It's ________

8) He's 22 years old, but he sometimes behaves ________

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1  like a palace

2  like blocks of ice

3  like a beginner

4  as a tour guide

5  like a theatre

6  as a birthday present

7  like winter

8  like a child

Exercise 3 

Put in like or as . Sometimes either word is possible.

1) We heard a noise ________ a baby crying.

2) Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak ________ you.

3) Don't take advice if you don't want to. You can do ________ you like.

4) You waste too much time doing things ________ sitting in cafes all day.

5) I wish I had a car ________ yours.

6) You don't need to change clothes. You can go out ________ you are.

7) neighbour's house is full of interesting things. It's ________ a museum.

8) We saw Kevin last night. He was very cheerful, ________ always.

9) Sally has been working ________ a waitress for the last two months.

10) In several countries in Asia, ________ Japan, Indonesia and Thailand, traffic drives on the left.

11) You're different from the other people I know. I don 't know anyone else ________ you.

12) We don't need all the bedrooms in the house, so we use one of them ________ a study.

13) The news that Sarah and Gary were getting married came ________ a complete surprise to me.

14) _____ her father, Catherine has a very good voice.

15) At the moment I've got a temporary job in a bookshop. it's not great, but it's OK ________ a temporary job.

16) _____ you can imagine, we were very tired after such a long journey.

17) This tea is awful. It tastes ________ water.

18) I think I prefer this room ________ it was, before we decorated it.

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1  like            10  like or such as

2  like            11  like

3  as              12  as

4  like            13  as

5  like            14  Like

6  as or like   15  as

7  like             16  As

8  as               17  like

9  as               18  as or like

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Comparative Adjectives (01)

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