Listening Exercises B2 – Shopping

In an electrical shop

1. Listen to five short conversations in an electrical shop. For each conversation, decide which item (a-e) above the people are talking about.

a _____

b _____

c _____

d _____

e _____

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a SatNav system

b digital camcorder

c plasma TV

d laptop/notebook computer

e all-in-one printer

2. Listen again. Make a list of the words and expressions that help identify each item.

a _____

b _____

c _____

d _____

e _____

Answer & Transcript

a maps, plan your route, touch screen

b portable, on vacation, record video, take pictures

c a 50-inch screen, picture quality, watching movies, living room

d wireless, light, 80 gigabyte hard disk, 3 gigahertz processor, screen, software

e 24 pages a minute, black and white, a fax, can make copies



Customer:     So it’s got maps of the whole of Europe?

Assistant:     That’s right. You can plan your route to wherever you want to go. It’s touch screen, too, so it’s very easy to use


Customer:     It’s quite light, isn’t it?

Assistant:     Yeah. It’s very portable. Perfect for carrying around with you on vacation. You can record up to three hours of video onto the hard disk, with audio, and take still pictures too, of course

Customer:     That sounds great.


Assistant:     This one has a 50-ich screen. The picture quality is amazing, especially if you’re watching in high definition.

Customer:     Yeah, I love watching movies so this will be great. I just hope it will fit in living room!


Customer:     It’s wireless, isn’t it?

Assistant:     Sure, and it’s very light. It has an 80 gigabyte hard disk, and a 3 gigahertz Intel processor, which is really fast. The screen’s big, too ___ 17 inches, and it’s got all the latest software of course.

Customer:     Wow. That’s pretty cool


Assistant:     It can do 24 pages a minute in black and white, and it’s a fax, so you can send documents too, if you like.

Customer:     Great. And can I make copies as well, yeah?

Assistant:     Yeah. Just lift this lid and put what you want to copy in here.

Asking for information

1. Paola is an Italian teacher working in London. She’s thinking of buying a smart phone. Listen to her talk to an assistant and complete the expressions she uses below.

a I’m __________ a smart phone.

b I’m __________ this one.

c Can __________ wireless internet is?

d Sorry, __________ ‘hotspot’ mean?

e Could you __________ that?

f I’d __________ more about that, please.

g _____ the battery life __________?

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a looking for

b interested in

c you tell me what

d what does

e tell me about

f like to know

g What’s; like

2. Match each expression from Exercise 1 (a-g) with a function (1-3)

1) Asking for an explanation __________

2) Asking for information __________

3) Saying what product you want __________

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1) c, d   2) e, f, g   3) a, b

3. Look at these things you can do with a smart phone. Listen again and number each one in the order it is mentioned (1-10)

organize appointments   ____

take notes and write documents   ____

store addresses and contacts  ____

surf the Internet   ____

read and send email   ____

listen to music   ____

take photos and videos   ____

watch TV   ____

download video games   ____

transfer files to your computer   ____

Answer & Transcript

organize appointments   1)

take notes and write documents   3)

store addresses and contacts   2)

surf the Internet   6)

read and send email   5)

listen to music   9)

take photos and videos   7)

watch TV   10)

download video games   8)

transfer files to your computer   4)

4. Answer these questions, then listen once more and check

a What is the advantage of wireless internet?   __________

b What is a ‘hotspot’?   __________

Answer & Transcript

a You can connect to the Internet without having to plug into a computer.

b A ‘hotspot’ is an area where you can connect to the Internet.


Assistant:     Can I help you?

Paola:     Yes, please. I’m looking for a smart phone, but erm, I don’t know much about them.

Assistant:     Right, well with a smart phone you can install software and use it, you know, for your appointments, as an address book for your contacts, that kind of thing ___ you can take notes and write documents, and link it to your computer and transfer files.

Paola:     I see. I’m interested in this one. Is it a good one?

Assistant:     This one? Yes, it’s pretty popular. It’s got all the features you’d expect ___ a nice screen, a word processor, wireless internet ___

Paola:     Can you tell me what wireless internet is?

Assistant:     Well, it means you can connect to the Internet without have to plug into a computer.

Paola:     Right. So I can check email, can i?

Assistant:     Yeah, you can read and send email, and surf the Internet too, as long as you’re near a hotspot of course.

Paola:     Sorry, what does, erm, ‘hotspot’ mean?

Assistant:     That means an area where you can connect to the Internet.

Paola:     Hmm. It’s got a camera, hasn’t it? Could you tell me about that?

Assistant:     Yeah, it really good. Five megapixels. You can take photos or video.

Paola:     And it’s got, er, a touch screen. I’d like to know more about that, please.

Assistant:     Sure. You just press the feature on the screen you want to use, like this ___ messages, or whatever ___ and there you go.

Paola:     I see. That’s clever.

Assistant:     You can download video games, and it’s got an MP3 player for your favourite songs. You can even watch TV.

Paola:     Wow!

Assistant:     Yeah. It’s very easy to use.

Paola:     Oh, I nearly forgot. What’s the battery life like?

Assistant:     Not so great, but it comes with two batteries.

Paola:     What happens if I press this button here?

Assistant:     Er, nothing. You’ve got to turn it on first!

Making a purchase

1. James is buying a DVD recorder. Listen and tick which extra services the assistant mentions.

Special payment terms

An extended warranty

After-sales technical support

An accessory at a reduced price


Installation and demonstration

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Special payment terms, an extended warranty and delivery.

2. Listen again and write the cost of each additional service the assistant offers.

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The special payment term cost an extra $60. The extended warranty is $49.99, and the delivery charge is $40.

3. Listen once more. Which service does James decide to buy? What does he not have to pay for?

Answer & Transcript

He buys the extended warranty. He does not have to pay for delivery.


James:     I’d like this DVD recorder, please.

Assistant:     Sure. Er, we have a special offer on this at the moment ___ pay $50 now and then just 20 a month for 12 months.

James:     That makes it, what ___ $290? It only costs 230. That’s $60 more.

Assistant:     Yes, but it’s for people who want to spread the payments, you know.

James:     No thanks. I’ll pay in full now.

Assistant:     Fine. By the way, the manufacturer’s warranty is a year, but for an extra 49.99 you can have our three-year instant replacement guarantee. That means if anything goes wrong, just bring it in and we’ll exchange it for an equivalent model, no problem.

James:     Hmm. No thanks. Oh, I nearly forgot. I don’t want to carry this around all day ___ Do you deliver?

Assistant:     Yes, our standard delivery charge is $40.

James:     Oh, I see. Er, well ___ if you give me free delivery, then I’ll take the extended warranty option. How’s that?

Assistant:     Hmm. OK. I think we can work something out here. 

Returning an item to a shop

1. Listen to four people each take an item back to a shop. Match each person with the item they are returning.

an all-in-one printer ________

a computer game ________

a mobile phone ________

an MP4 player ________

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an all-in-one printer Pete

a computer game Henri

a mobile phone Karen

an MP4 player Jane

2. Listen again and complete the reasons for returning each item.

Jane       She never ________

Henri     He ________ has ________

Pete       It’s faulty. The ________ gets stuck and the ________ doesn't work.

Karen     It ________ while on the Internet, and sometimes when she makes a call she can’t ________

Answer & Transcript

Jane       She never listen to music

Henri     He already has thisone

Pete       It’s faulty. The paper gets stuck and the fax doesn't work.

Karen     It crashes while on the Internet, and sometimes when she makes a call she can’t hearanything .


Jane:     Hello, I got this for birthday a couple of months ago but the thing is I never really listen to music. I wonder if I can change it for something else? I haven’t even opened it.

Henri:     This was a present but the problem is I already have this one. Can I to exchange it, please, for a different game? I haven’t played it.

Pete:     Yes, I got this last week but I’m not sure it’s working properly. The problem seems to be mechanical – the paper gets stuck all the time. I can’t use the fax function, either.

Karen:    I’ve only had this a few months but I don’t understand why it keeps crashing all the time when I’m on the Internet, and sometimes when I make a call I can’t hear anything. I’d like a refund please.

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