1. Complete the definitions with the adjectives below.
anxious ashamed bored confused cross
delighted disappointed envious proud
relieved shocked terrified upset
1) _________ : angry
2) _________ : sad because something is worse than you hoped or expected
3) _________ : happy because something is better than you hoped or expected
4) _________ : not able to understand what is happening
5) _________ : worried
6) _________ : not interested in what is happening
7) _________ : very pleased
8) _________ : very frightened
9) _________ : feeling bad because you did something wrong
10) _________ : unhappy because you want something that belongs to somebody else
11) _________ : happy about something you have achieved
12) _________ : very surprised and upset
13) _________ : unhappy about something that happened
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1) cross 2) disappointed 3) relieved 4) confused
5) anxious 6) bored 7) delighted 8) terrified 9) ashamed
10) envious 11) proud 12) shocked 13) upset
2. Read the speech texts. How is each speaker feeling? Choose the best adjective from exercise 1.
1) Have you seen Molly’s new coat? She’s so lucky. I wish I had one like that.
2) It’s OK, I’ve found keys. They were in bad. That’s good!
3) Stop taking pen. I need it. You’re being really annoying!
4) How strange. I’m sure I got a text from him, but I can’t see it on phone.
5) I really needed more than 60% in test, but I only got 55%. I worked hard too.
6) I feel really bad because I lied to parents about where I was last night.
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1) envious 2) relieved 3) cross 4) confused
5) disappointed 6) ashamed
3. Complete the sentences with personality adjectives from below. There are six extra adjectives.
brave confident flexible hard-working
honest kind loyal organised outgoing
patient punctual reliable sensitive shy
1) She’s ____________ : nothing frightens her.
2) He’s ____________ : he has one job during the week and another at weekends.
3) She’s really ____________ : all the books in her bookcase are in alphabetical order.
4) He’s very ____________ : he’s hardly ever late.
5) She’s ____________ : she always tells the truth.
6) He’s ____________ : he loves being with people and making new friends.
7) She’s ____________ : she’s always careful not to upset anyone.
8) He’s very ____________ : he always supports his friends, whatever the situation.
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1) brave 2) hard-working 3) organised 4) punctual
5) honest 6) outgoing 7) kind 8 loyal
4. In your opinion, what are the two most important personal qualities for these people? Choose two adjectives from exercise 3.
1) A teacher should be ____________ and ____________
2) A doctor should be ____________ and ____________
3) A TV presenter should be ____________ and ____________
4) A police officer should be ____________ and ____________
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(Possible answers)
1) hard-working, kind 2) confident, patient
3) confident, outgoing 4) brave, honest.
5. Circle the correct adjective.
1) When I took part in first school day, I was terrifying / terrified , but it was an exciting / excited experience.
2) I enjoy gymnastics, but it’s tiring / tired .
3) When dad was ill last month, it was a worrying / worried time for all the family.
4) Have you heard the shocking / shocked news?
5) brother was disappointing / disappointed about failing his driving test.
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1) terrified, exciting 2) tiring 3) worrying
4) shocking 5) disappointed
6. Complete the questions with a negative prefix. Then write true answers.
1) Are you patient or ______patient?
2) Are you enthusiastic about your school work or ______enthusiastic?
3) In general, are you organised or ______organised?
4) Are you generally reliable or ______reliable about social arrangements?
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1) im 2) un 3) dis 4) un