English Vocabulary Exercises for A2 – Landscapes

1. Complete the labels.




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1) cliff   2) stream   3) cave   4) waterfall   5) ocean

6) forest   7) mountain   8) lake   9) hill   10) river

11) shore   12) volcano   13) desert   14) valley   15) rocks

1) tall   2) icy   3) narrow   4) dark   5) shallow   6) low

7) rocky 8) deep 9) wide  10) steep

2. Put the letters in order to make adjectives that describe landscapes. Then circle the landscape feature that can go with each adjective. Sometimes both are possible.

Landscape features



1   l a l t   __________

river / mountain

2   c i y   __________

stream / desert

3   r o w r a n   __________

ocean / river

4   k a d r   __________

cave / shore

5   w h o l s a l   __________

lake / valley

6   o w l   __________

ocean / waterfall

7   c y k o r   __________

shore / forest

8   e d p e   __________

ocean / waterfall

9   d i w e   __________

river / hill

10   p e s t e   __________

volcano / waterfall

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1) mountain 2) stream / hill 3) river 4) cave

5) lake / stream  6) waterfall 7) shore  8) ocean

9) desert 10) volcano / waterfall

3. Listen and complete the quiz questions.

1) In which country is the highest ____________ in the world?

2) What’s the name of the ____________ to the east of Africa?

3) What’s the name of the ____________ that flows through London?

4) In which country is ____________ Baikal?

5) What’s the name of the ____________ that run along the west coast of South America?

6) In which country is the ____________ Vesuvius?

7) What’s the name of the ____________ in southern Africa?

8) In which two continents is the Great Rift ____________ ?

9) Which famous American city is on the ____________ of Lake Michigan?

10) In which European country is the Black ____________ ?

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1) waterfall  2) ocean 3) river 4) Lake 5) mountains

6) volcano  7) desert  8) Valley 9) shore  10) Forest


1) In which country is the highest waterfall in the world?

2) What’s the name of the ocean to the east of Africa?

3) What’s the name of the river that flows through London?

4) In which country is Lake Baikal?

5) What’s the name of the mountains that run along the west coast of South America?

6) In which country is the volcano Vesuvius?

7) What’s the name of the desert in southern Africa?

8) In which two continents is the Great Rift Valley?

9) Which famous American city is on the shore of Lake Michigan?

10) In which European country is the Black Forest?

4. Answer the questions in exercise 3. Use the internet to help you.

1) _____.

2) _____.

3) _____.

4) _____.

5) _____.

6) _____.

7) _____.

8) _________ and ____________

9) _____.

10) _____.

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1) Venezuela 2) Indian ocean 3) the Thames 4) Russia

5) the Andes 6) Italy 7) Kalahari  8) Africa and Asia

9) Chicago  10) Germany


1) The highest waterfall in the world is in Venezuela. It’s called Angel Falls and is 979 metres high.

2) The ocean to the east of Africa is called the Indian Ocean. It’s the world’s third largest ocean and stretches east to Australia and south to Antarctica.

3) The river that flows through London is called the Thames. It is 346 kilometres long, the second longest river in the UK. It flows into the North Sea.

4) Lake Baikal is in Siberia, in Russia. It is the world’s deepest lake, at 1,637 metres, and is 636 kilometres from end to end.

5) The Andes is the name of the mountains that run along the west coast of South America. It’s the longest mountain range in the world – over 7,000 kilometres from end to end. The highest mountain in the Andes is Mount Aconcagua, at 6,962 metres tall.

6) Vesuvius is a volcano in southern Italy. It is still active. When Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, it buried the Roman city of Pompeii.

7) The name of the desert in southern Africa is the Kalahari Desert. It covers much of Botswana and Namibia. Between 100 and 200 millimetres of rain fall every year in the driest part of the desert.

8) The Great Rift Valley is in Africa and Asia. It is over 5,000 kilometres long and stretches from Syria to Mozambique. It marks the boundary between the African and Arabian tectonic plates, which are moving apart.

9) Chicago is on the shore of Lake Michigan. It is the USA’s third biggest city, and has a population of 2.7 million. Its nickname is ‘the Windy City’.

10) The Black Forest is in Germany, in the south-west of the country. It is 160 kilometres long. The river Danube starts in the Black Forest and flows 2,872 kilometres to the Black Sea.

Extra exercises

1. Complete the sentences with the words below. Use each word only once.

cave      desert      forest      hill      mountain      river      volcano      waterfall

1) There isn’t much rain in the ____________ so not many plants can grow.

2) The highest ____________ in Western Europe is Mont Blanc.

3) The ____________ in London is called the Thames.

4) He likes dark places, so exploring a ____________ is perfect for him.

5) Mount Vesuvius is an active ____________ that may cause a lot of destruction one day.

6) We walked to the top of a small ____________ to enjoy the view of the town.

7) It’s easy to get lost in a ____________ because the trees make it hard to see where you are.

8) Water from the stream fell from the cliff and created a beautiful.

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1) desert   2) mountain   3) river   4) cave   5) volcano

6) hill   7) forest   8) waterfall

2. Complete the sentences with the words below.

dark      deep      icy      narrow      shallow      steep      tall      wide

1) The water here is so ____________ that it is impossible to swim to the bottom.

2) The river is very ____________ – it takes twenty minutes to swim to the other side.

3) The path was so ____________ that we had to walk one behind the other.

4) The trees in the forest are very ____________ – some are 70 metres to the top.

5) We couldn’t see because the cave was so ____________

6) The hills around here aren’t very ____________ so they are easy to climb.

7) The stream is quite ____________ so it’s easy to walk through the water.

8) He doesn’t like walking to school in very cold weather because the footpaths are ____________

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1) deep  2) wide   3) narrow   4) tall   5) dark

6) steep   7) shallow   8) icy

3. Complete the sentences with extreme adjectives that have the same meaning as the words in brackets.

1) The house was ____________ but comfortable. (very small)

2) We were ____________  at the end of the walk, and happy to be back at camp. (very tired)

3) The storm was ____________, but we tried to be brave. (very frightening)

4) I’m ____________ ! Is there anything to eat? (very hungry)

5) The climber’s death was ____________ He was so young. (very sad)

6) The campsite was ____________ when we arrived. It was a horrible mess! (very dirty)

7) The view from the top of the mountain was ____________ (very beautiful)

8) We couldn’t continue because a ____________ rock was in the road. (very big)

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1) tiny   2) exhausted   3) terrifying   4) starving

5) tragic   6) filthy   7) stunning   8 huge

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