Practice Listening English Exercises for A2 – Movies

Getting Ready

Match each kind of movie on the left with the best description on the right. Compare answers with a partner.

1) romance

2) western

3) horror

4) action

5) science fiction

6) comedy

a A movie about events that take place in the future or in other parts of the universe.

b A movie that tells a love story.

c A movie about life in the west of the United States in the nineteenth century.

d A movie that tries to scare the audience.

e A movie that tries to make people laugh.

f A movie with a fast-moving story that is full of danger and excitement.

Show answers

1) b   2) c   3) d    4) f   5) a   6) e

Listening 1

What kind of movie does each person describe? Listen and circle the correct answer.

1)  a science fiction

b action

2)  a action

b comedy

3)  a horror

b western

4)  a science fiction

b comedy

5)  a romance

b western

6)  a action

b science fiction

Show answers & Transcript

1) b   2) b   3) a   4) a   5) b   6) a



A: So, how was the movie?

B: Oh, not bad.

A: What was it about?

B: It’s about a policeman who goes crazy and starts chasing people. Lots of excitement, car chases, things like that. You’d like it.


A: Did you enjoy the movie?

B: Yeah, it was terrific. It really made me laugh.

A: So what’s the story about?

B: It’s about this funny guy who gets lost on the freeway. He gets off at the wrong exit and then everything starts to go wrong.


A: What movie did you see?

B:  I saw a movie called Night Life.

A: What’s it about?

B:  It’s about these things that come out of the ground at night and start attacking people.

A: Sounds pretty frightening.

B:  Yeah, it was.


A: What was the movie like on Saturday?

B:  Great. I really enjoyed it. Terrific special effects and an interesting story.

A: What’s it about?

B:  It’s about a scientific experiment. They give this family some special drugs, and they go to sleep for 100 years. It’s all about what happens when they wake up, and how the world has changed.


A:  So, tell me about the movie.

B:  Oh, it’s one of those cowboy stories. The usual thing. A cowboy rides into town on his horse, cleans up the town, and rides out with the girl.

A: Sounds like quite a story.

B: Yeah, really.


A: Did you enjoy the movie?

B: Yeah. It was really exciting. It’s about a famous gang that takes over a hotel. So along comes this tough guy, and kills them off. Lots of action. I enjoyed it.

Listening 2

Task 1

People are looking at information about movies on a website. What type of movie is it? Listen and write the correct letter.

a western

b comedy

c horror

d action

e science fiction

f romance

1   CINEMA 1

title: Hit Harder: The Final Conflict

type: ____

2   CINEMA 2

title: Party Animal

type: ____

3   CINEMA 3

title: Dreams

type: ____

4   CINEMA 4

title: Cowboy’s Run

type: ____

5   CINEMA 5

title: Space Children

type: ____

6   CINEMA 6

title: Monster Party

type: ____

Show answers

1) d   2) b   3) f   4) a   5) e   6) c

Task 2

Listen again. Write the show times.

Cinema 1 _____________

Cinema 2 _____________

Cinema 3 _____________

Cinema 4 _____________

Cinema 5 _____________

Cinema 6 _____________

Show answers & Transcript

1) 2: 30, 4:45, 7:30, 10:00

2) 1:30, 4:30, 6:15, 9:00

3) 1:00, 3:15, 6:30, 9:30

4) 12:00, 3:30, 5:30, 8:00

5) 2:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:15

6) 10:00, 1:45, 4:15, 6:45



A: So, what’s on at Century Cinemas?

B: Let’s see__ They’re showing Hit Harder: The Final Conflict. It says it’s “an action-packed movie with lots of car chases.”

A:  Hmmm__ What are the times?

B:  It looks like 2:30, 4:45, 7:30, and 10:00.


A:  What else?

B:  Okay. What about the Party Animal?

A:  I haven’t heard of that. What does it say?

B:  It’s a comedy. It says: “This hilarious film is full of big stars.”

A:  Is that all?

B:  Yes. And it’s showing at 1:30, 4:30, 6:15, and 9:00.


B:  How about this one? Dreams. “Dreams is a romance about a doctor and her patient.”

A:  I don’t know__ When is that one showing?

B:  At 1:00, 3:15, 6:30, and 9:30.


B: Should I keep reading?

A: Yes. I’m sure we’ll find something.

B: Okay. It looks like they’re also showing Cowboy’s Run. “Set in Mexico, a group of cowboys fight bankers who want to take their land.” It’s at noon, 3:30, 5:30, and 8:00


A: Keep going.

B: Okay. How about Space Children? “Space Children is an exciting story of five people who are kidnapped by aliens.”

A: That’s more like it ___ When’s that one playing?

B: At 2:00, 5:00, 7:00, and 9:15.


B: Wait, there’s one more. Monster Party. “Two young men are bitten by bats, and when the moon comes out, they turn into vampires and attack people.”

A: That’s it! Let’s see that!

B:  Okay. When do you want to go? It’s playing at 10:00, 1:45, 4:15, and 6:45.

Listening 3

Task 1

People are talking about movies. What did they like or not like about each movie? Listen and check (✓) the correct answers.



Didn’t like

the story

the acting

the ending

the music



Didn’t like

the story

the acting

the ending

the music



Didn’t like

the story

the acting

the ending

the music



Didn’t like

the story

the acting

the ending

the music

Show answers

1) like: the music

 didn't like: the story, the acting, the ending

2) like: the story, the acting

 didn't like: the ending, the music

3) like: all

 didn't like: none

4) like: the story, the acting, the ending

     didn't like: the music

Task 2

Listen again. Does each person recommend the movie or not? Check (✓) the correct answer.

1) yes


2) yes


3) yes


4) yes


Show answers & Transcript

1) no   2) yes   3) yes   4) yes



I went to a really dumb movie last night. You should save yourself some money and find something else to do. It’s supposed to be a comedy, but it isn’t very funny at all. The story is really boring. It’s all about some guys who are planning a bank robbery, and everything goes wrong. Some of the actors were really big stars, but the acting was just terrible. They seemed bored, and so was I. The ending was supposed to be this big surprise, but everyone in the theater knew it was coming. I guess the only good part was the music. The opening song had a great beat, and the rest of the soundtrack wasn’t bad.


I saw that new action movie this weekend. The story was much better than I expected. The main character has to go way underground, under the subway stations, to find this monster! The main character is that really handsome star Matt Castle. He looked fantastic. It’s worth the price of a ticket just to see him on the big screen, smiling and fighting, and wearing these really great suits. The ending was a bit stupid and the music was disappointing, but I was still really into the story. If you like action movies, or good-looking movie stars, you should go out and see it right away.


I saw an excellent movie last night. It was a totally different kind of story from a typical war movie – it was exciting and intelligent. The star was that actor who just won a big award. He’s always good, but he’s unbelievably good in this one. And the actress who plays opposite him is wonderful. The ending is really sad, but it also made me think a lot about really deep and important stuff. I like it when movies do that to me. You should try to see it. I don’t usually like war movies, but this one is really exciting. It has a terrific soundtrack. The songs made the battle scenes so exciting.


Have you seen that new animated movie that’s showing now? You should see it. The story is about a war between humans and giant insects. I know it sounds kind of silly, but the story really works well. All the animation was done with computers, and they used the voices of some really famous actors. That really made the movie enjoyable. I won’t say who wins in the end, but I will tell you that it’s a big surprise. I left the theater very happy. I guess they could have chosen better music, though. I don’t think rap music is good for that kind of movie.

Conversation Corner: Talking about movies

Task 1

Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words.

A: Hey, would you like to go to a movie tonight?

B: Yeah, I’d love to. ______ ______?

A: Hats Off to Harry is playing at the Gateway Theater. ______ ______ a boy that gets lost, ends up in Hollywood, and becomes a big star.

B: _____ ____ it?

A: Well, besides the boy, um, Russell Hill.

B: Oh, ______ ______ funny guy. Let’s go!

Task 2

Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to link the s and z sounds.

Show answers & Transcript

A: Hey, would you like to go to a movie tonight?

B: Yeah, I’d love to. What’son ?

A: Hats Off to Harry is playing at the Gateway Theater. It’sabout a boy that gets lost, ends up in Hollywood, and becomes a big star.

B: Who’s in it?

A: Well, besides the boy, um, Russell Hill.

B: Oh, he’s a funny guy. Let’s go!

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