Practice Listening English Exercises for A2 – Hobbies and Pastimes

Getting Ready

Who would most enjoy these hobbies and pastimes? Check (✓) your answers and compare them with a partner. There may be more than one answer.

Young child



Retired person



playing sports


collecting comic books

playing video games

surfing the Internet

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your own answers

Listening 1

People are talking about hobbies and pastimes. Listen and number the pictures.


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a 5   b 2   c 3   d 4   e 1   f 6



I love to eat out. I eat at restaurants most of the time. I really love to eat at pizzerias.


I read almost everything I can: books, magazines, newspapers. I go to the public library about twice a week.


I never used to like stamp collecting, but now I think it’s great. I’ve got two huge stamp albums. Hey, why don’t you come and see collection some times?


wife says I should take up gardening. We have a big garden, and she loves working in it, but the truth is, it bores me.


Well, everyone in family loves sports – everyone, that is, except me. family’s out playing baseball and stuff all the time. But I think most sports are pretty boring. I don’t like chasing balls around a field. And I couldn’t hit a ball if I had to.


friends think I’m really boring because I’m always listening to music. I go to concerts all the time. I love Mozart and all that classical stuff.

Listening 2

Task 1

Which activity does each person enjoy doing now? Listen and circle the correct answer.

1) Zach

a playing basketball

b painting

     c hiking

2) Erica

a collecting baseball cards

b collecting comic books

     c gardening

3) Brian

a watching videos

b hiking

  c playing video games

4) Evan

a collecting stamps

b collecting paintings

     c collecting baseball cards

5) Danielle

a painting

b writing children’s books

     c reading

6) Marcus

a reading the newspaper

b playing golf

  c reading books

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1) b   2) c   3) b   4) a   5) a   6) b

Task 2

Listen again. What does each speaker like best about his or her current hobby or pastime?

1) Zach ____

2) Erica ____

3) Brian ____

4) Evan ____

5) Danielle ____

6) Marcus ____

a the flowers

b looking at his collection

c creating pictures

d using bright colors

e looking at the blue sky

f making great friends

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1) d   2) a   3) f   4) b   5) c   6) e



I used to play sports a lot when I was younger, but I don’t play much anymore. Now I enjoy painting. I have own studio in garage, and pretty soon I’ll have a show at a gallery. Maybe I’ll become famous! I really enjoy using bright colors in paintings – that’s what I like best about it.


I’ve always collected things, even when I was young. I used to collect everything – comic books, baseball cards, you name it. But they’re all packed away in boxes now. Now favorite pastime is gardening. I spend all weekend outside with flowers. I love seeing them change. That’s what I like best about it, I guess. They’re these little seeds at first, and then one day, they’re big, beautiful flowers.


When I was a teenager, all I did was sit around playing video games. But I can’t stand them anymore. I work in an office now, so I sit in front of a boring computer screen all day. Now I like being outdoors. I belong to a hiking group. and we go someplace different every weekend. I keep fit and healthy this way. The best thing is that I can make some really great friends.


I like collecting things. I collected baseball cards when I was a kid, but I don’t anymore. These days, baseball card collectors are only interested in money. I wanted to collect things that are really beautiful, so that’s why I started collecting stamps. Some of the stamps I have are really, really beautiful. I think they’re like paintings. What I like best is looking at collection. It’s like walking through a tiny museum full of wonderful paintings.


I always loved reading as a kid, so for a long time I wanted to write children’s books. I tried to do it for a few years after college, but it was really hard to come up with good stories. I guess I’m not very good with words. Now, I’m happy just painting. I’ve won a few prizes, too – in art competitions – for watercolors and oils. The pictures are important to me, though, not the prizes. What I enjoy most is creating pictures. It makes me so happy.


Well, I’m retired now, and I have a lot of free time. I worked for the same company for over thirty years, mostly in the same little office. I worked long hours, and when I came home from work, I was too tired to do anything but read the newspaper. Now it’s different. I spend almost all free time outdoors playing golf. I guess what I love best is looking at the beautiful blue sky.

Listening 3

Task 1

People are talking about their interests. Listen and check (✓) two suitable hobbies for each person.


1) Steve

surfing the Internet


bird watching


2) Christine


bird watching



3) Joe




surfing the Internet

4) A




surfing the Internet

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1) Steve: gardening, birdwatching

2) Christine: music, cooking

3) Joe: sports, hiking

4) A: reading, surfing the Internet

Task 2

Listen again. What is one activity each person likes doing? Circle the correct answer.

1)  a enjoying nature

b hiking

     c sitting in a cafe

2)  a bird watching

b visiting the countryside

     c getting together with friends

3)  a surfing the Internet

b exercising

     c playing the guitar

4)  a learning something new

b going to parties

     c working out at the gym

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1) a   2) c   3) b   4 a



A few months ago, I moved to this cute little house out in the country. Before I moved, all I did was sit in cafes and read or surf the Internet. Boring! Now I want to spend all free time outside, enjoying nature. The only problem is, I’m not in very good shape, so I don’t like doing any sports, or anything that involves a lot of exercise. I tried hiking once, but I fell down a hill and hurt leg. Don’t get me wrong, I love the outdoors – but what I really want is something I can do quietly in nature.


I live in a big city, so I love being around lots of people. brother is completely the opposite – last weekend, he took me to the country to go bird watching. I was so bored the whole time. I like talking to people and doing creative things. I’d just love to get all friends together at apartment in the city and do something. We could have a dinner party, maybe. Or we could bring over some guitars and drums, and stuff like that, and sing and dance!


Exercise is really important to me. I like doing things where I keep active, things that are good for health. roommate isn’t like that at all, though – he wakes up and surfs the Internet for hours. Then he plays his guitar in his room all afternoon. Yuck! I just hate sitting around indoors! I especially hate surfing the Internet. I want to meet other people. I also want to get out and visit new places, like out in the country, where you can see some real nature.


I don’t really like going to parties or working out at the gym all the time. I don’t like hiking around in nature, either. I like to do things that develop mind or things that teach me about other countries and places. What I really love is history. To me, a good history book is a lot more exciting than a fancy dinner party, or some concert, or a baseball game. And there’s a lot of great historical information on the Internet, too! I’m not one of those people who sit at home and collect stamps. For me, learning something new is a real adventure!

Conversation Corner: Talking about hobbies

Task 1

Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words.

A: What do you do in your free time, Lara?

B: I used to enjoy ______., but now I like ______. and ___________

A: Oh, not me! I enjoy collecting things. I collect ______. cards.

B: Do you do anything else?

A: Yes, I really enjoy ______. the Internet and listening to ___________

B: Do you play any sports?

A: I go ______. and ______. in the winter. How about you?

B: I like summer sports. I enjoy ______. and ___________

Task 2

Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to stress the correct syllable in the missing words.

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A: What do you do in your free time, Lara?

B: I used to enjoy painting , but now I like cooking and gardening .

A: Oh, not me! I enjoy collecting things. I collect baseball cards.

B: Do you do anything else?

A: Yes, I really enjoy surfing the Internet and listening to music .

B: Do you play any sports?

A: I go skiing and snowboarding in the winter. How about you?

B: I like summer sports. I enjoy swimming and hiking .

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