Practice Listening English Exercises for A2 – Campus Life

Getting Ready

Match each place with the pictures below. Compare your answers with a partner.

a classroom

b library

c campus bookstore

d gym

e cafeteria

f professor’s office


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1) e   2) d   3) a   4) f   5) b   6) c

Listening 1

Where is each conversation taking place? Listen and circle the correct answer.

1)  a campus bookstore

b cafeteria

2)  a library

b campus bookstore

3)  a classroom

b professor’s office

4)  a cafeteria

b campus bookstore

5)  a professor’s office

b classroom

6)  a classroom

b gym

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1) b   2) a   3) b   4) b   5) b   6) c



A:  Gee, it’s pretty crowded today.

B:  Yeah. Why don’t you find a table, and I’ll go get the food?

A:  Good idea.

B:  What do you want?

A:  I’ll have a salad and an iced tea.

B:  Got it. Be right back


A:  Can I help you?

B:  Yes. I’m looking for this book on American art.

A:  Oh, yes. You’ll find that on the fifth floor.

B:  Oh, can I take it out?

A:  Yes, just bring it back to the desk to check it out.


A:  Hi, Jun. Come on in.

B:  Hi, Professor Green. I had an appointment ___

A:  Sure, you’re right on time. Okay, let’s go over your essay. First, did you have any questions about comments on your paper?

B:  Uhm, yes. Can you explain what the grade means?

A:  Sure. This grade is for ideas, and this one is for things like grammar and spelling.

B:  Oh, I see ___


A:  Have you been here yet?

B:  No. Hey, they have a lot of neat things here.

A:  Yeah, look at all the stuff you can buy: books stationery, even food!

B:  I’m going to get one of the sweatshirts.

A:  Me, too. I’m going to get the white one with the school logo in green.


A:  May I help you?

B:  Um, is this Chemistry 101?

A:  Yes. You’re in the right place. Take this seat here, in the front row.

B:  Thanks.

A:  And your name, please?


A: Are you here for a class?

B: No, I just want to work out.

A: Sure. Let me scan your student ID. Okay, you’re all set. The lockers are that way, the workout room is on the right, and the pool is directly behind me.

B: Thanks!

Listening 2

Task 1

People are discussing classes they are taking. Listen and number the pictures.


Show answers

a 5   b 3   c 1   d 6   e 2   f 4

Task 2

Listen again. Are the statements true or false? Listen and check (✓) the correct answer.



1) There isn’t much reading in this class.

2) Students do experiments in this class.

3) The teacher in this class is unfair.

4) There’s a lot of homework for this class.

5) The professor is interesting.

6) This class meets in a lab

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1) False   2) True   3) False   4) True   5) False   6) False



A:  So what do you think of the class so far?

B:  I like it. What about you?

A:  I love looking at the slides. And I really enjoy the discussion group.

B:  But we sure have to do a lot of reading!

A:  That’s true, but it isn’t as much as for English.

B:  Right, but aren’t these art books heavy?

A:  Yeah. I guess that’s what happens when you’re studying the entire history of art since the beginning of time!


A:  Oh, I didn’t know you were taking this class, too.

B:  Yes. I think it’s going to be interesting.

A:  Yes, I think it’ll be more interesting than the biology class we took last semester.

B:  Yes, there was an awful lot of reading for that class, wasn’t there? There isn’t as much in this class. And I really enjoy doing the experiments! The equipment in the lab is state-of-t-art, too.

A: Do you think you’ll be a chemistry major?

B: Maybe.


A: What’s the matter?

B: Oh, I just got essay back. She wrote so many comments on it! It’s going to take hours to write a second draft.

A:  Do you think she was unfair?

B:   No, not at all. In fact, I really like her.

A:  Yeah, Ms. Downs is great. She and the art history teacher are the best teachers I’ve ever had here.

B:   I agree. I think writing is really going to improve in this class.

A:  Me, too.


A:  Uh, oh. It looks like we got here too late. The computer lab is closed.

B:   Oh, no, and I’m working on a very complicated web program__

A:  Yeah, we have a lot of homework for that class, don’t we?

B:   Yeah, it’s tough, but I love programming! Don’t you?

A:  No, it’s hard for me. This isn’t favorite class. I prefer sciences like biology or chemistry.

B:   Well, let me know if you need any help with your programs.

A:  Thanks. That’s really nice.


A: What do you think of Professor Green?

B: He’s so boring. I’m not crazy about this class. What about you?

A: Yes, Professor Green is a little boring, but the subject is so interesting! I love learning about the past. I’m particularly interested in the 20th century.

B:  There’s a lot of reading, though, isn’t there?

A:  True, and the books are so heavy!

B:  They’re not as heavy as those art books, though.

A:  No, you’re right about that!


A:  Do you think this class is going to be easy or hard?

B:  I think it’s going to be okay. I don’t think it’ll be too hard. It’s certainly not as hard as chemistry. Not yet, anyway.

A: Yeah, I guess because it’s just an introductory course.

B: Right. It says here we’re going to study the cell, basic genetics, and the human body.

A: Do we meet in a lab?

B: No, not for this class. We meet in a regular classroom.

Listening 3

Task 1

People are talking about their schools. Listen and check (✓) their opinions about each school.





























Show answers

1) campus: positive

  teachers: negative

  schedule: negative

  students: positive

2) campus: negative

  gym: positive

  teachers: positive

  schedule: positive

3) classes: negative

  students: negative

  clubs: positive

  campus: positive

4) teachers: positive

     campus: negative

     schedule: negative

     students: positive

Task 2

Listen again. What phrase completes each statement? Write the correct letter.

1) The teachers ____

2) The gym ____

3) The campus ____

4) The students ____

a is modern and looks nice.

b are different here.

c are not interested in teaching.

d has an outdoor cafe.

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1) c   2) a   3) d   4) b



This campus is really beautiful! It’s like a park. There are lots of plants and trees everywhere. That was one of the reasons I decided to come here. Another was the teachers. I heard the teachers were really great, but a lot of them don’t seem to be very interested in teaching. They give boring lectures, and they don’t seem to have time to talk to students after class. Another problem is schedule. I have trouble getting into the classes that I need. It’s because the school is overcrowded. However, the other students I’ve met have been really great. I’ve made some wonderful friends.


I’ve been at this school for two years now. It’s not the most attractive campus. The buildings are ugly. They look like cement blocks. And there are hardly any trees or plants. One thing that I do like here is the gym. It’s a great place to go between classes. You can swim in a beautiful pool and the workout room has modern equipment. It’s funny that the gym looks so nice, while the rest of the campus doesn’t! I’m pretty happy with classes. And teachers are very helpful. They have plenty of time to see you outside of class. I have a great schedule right now. All of classes start in the afternoon, so I can sleep in! I love sleeping in!


I’m afraid I haven’t been happy here at all. I think I made a mistake. It costs a lot of money, but just isn’t worth it. The classes are really boring. And they don’t seem very useful. I want to take a computer science class, and they don’t even teach that here! I haven’t made many friends, either. Everyone thinks it’s so easy to meet people, but the other students seem very unfriendly to me. They do have a lot of interesting clubs. There’s a photography club I might join. One thing that’s nice is the campus. It’s very attractive. There are a lot of trees and nice places to sit outside. There’s even an outdoor cafe. I guess that’s what you’re paying for!


I came here because I wanted to study art. The photography department is famous. The teachers are well-known, working artists. Some people think that just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you can teach it. But the teachers here are great. The campus is really just a building downtown, so it isn’t very nice to look at. There’s no gym or cafeteria or clubs or anything. schedule is terrible! All classes are at 8 in the morning! That’s hard for me because I like to stay up late and work on photos. I’m so busy that I haven’t really paid much attention to the other students, but they seem very nice. Sometimes at art schools, the students are too competitive. I think this place is different, though.

Conversation Corner: Describing likes and dislikes

Task 1

Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words.

A: So, how do you like your school?

B: Well, I like some things, but ______ ______ ______ things.

A: Such as?

B: I like the ______, the ______, and the ______. But I don’t like the food, the gym, or the clubs. How about you?

A: Just the opposite! I really like the ______, the ______, and the ______ .

B: What don’t you like?

A: I guess I ______ ______ ______ the classes, the teachers, and the homework!

Task 2

Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to use the correct intonation.

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A: So, how do you like your school?

B: Well, I like some things, but I don’t like other things.

A: Such as?

B: I like the campus , the teachers , and the students . But I don’t like the food, the gym, or the clubs. How about you?

A: Just the opposite! I really like the food , the clubs , and the pool .

B: What don’t you like?

A: I guess I don’t really like the classes, the teachers, and the homework!

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