English Speaking Exercises for A1 – Asking for and giving directions

1. Look at the map and complete the sentences with the words below.


between      corner      left      next to      opposite

1) The police station is ________. the bus station.

2) The library is ________. the café and the hotel.

3) The restaurant is ________. the fire station.

4) The gym is on the ________, next to the bank.

5) Go down William Street. The department store is on your ________, near the traffic lights.

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1) next to   2) between   3) opposite   4) corner   5) left

2. Listen and look at the map. Write the places.

1) supermarket

2) _____.

3) _____.

4) _____.

5) _____.

6) _____.

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2) bank   3) town hall   4) police station   5) library   6) swimming pool


1) It’s opposite the bank.

2) It’s next to the gym.

3) It’s on the corner opposite the café.

4) It’s between the bus station and the swimming pool.

5) It’s next to the hotel.

6) It’s on the corner, opposite the car park.

3. Complete the key phrases with the words below. Then match them with the pictures.

along     at     end     first     past     over     straight      under

1) Go ________ on.

2) Go ________ King’s Rd.

3) Take the ________ left.

4) Go to the ________ of the road.

5) Go ________ the bank.

6) Turn right ________ the crossroads.

7) Go ________ the bridge.

8) Go ________ the bridge.


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1) straight, g2 along, e3 first, c4 end, a5 past, b

6) at, f7 under, d8 over, h

4. Listen to the directions. Start from ‘You are here’ on the map. Where do the people want to go? Mark the routes on the map.

1) _________

2) _________

3) _________

4) _________

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1) train station   2) town hall   3) swimming pool   4) post office



Girl Excuse me. I’m new here. Where is the ___ ?

Man Go straight on and turn left at the roundabout. Go to the end of West Street and turn right. Go straight on, and it’s at the end of the road. You can’t miss it.

g Thank you.

m You’re welcome.


Girl Excuse me. Can you direct me to the ___ ?

Man Yes, that’s easy. It isn’t far from here. Go straight on and take the first left. It’s on your right.

g OK, thanks!

m Not at all.


Boy Excuse me. Can you direct me to the ___ , please?

Woman Certainly. Go straight on, past the roundabout. Go to the end of William Street and turn right at the traffic lights. Then —

b Sorry, could you speak more slowly, please?

W Yes, sorry. Go straight on, along William Street. Go past the roundabout. At the end of William Street, turn right. Then turn left at the roundabout and go under the bridge. Take the first left and it’s on your right, opposite the car park.

b Thanks very much.

W You’re welcome.


Boy Excuse me. Can you tell me where the ___ is, please?

Woman Yes, of course. Go straight on, along William Street. Take the first right and go to the end of the road. Turn left and go along South Street, past the bank on your left. It’s on your right, on the corner, opposite the supermarket.

b Could you repeat that, please?

W Yes, go straight along William Street. Take the first right then turn left at the end of the road. Go along South Street. It’s on your right, opposite the supermarket. It’s on the corner.

b Great. Thanks very much.

W You’re welcome.

Speaking Strategy

If you don’t understand, ask the person you are talking to to slow down, repeat or clarify

Could you speak more slowly, please?

Could you repeat that, please?

What does ___ mean?

5. Read the Speaking Strategy. Tick the two questions that the speakers use.

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Could you speak more slowly, please?

Could you repeat that, please?

6. Prepare a dialogue giving directions from ‘You are here’ to these places. Make notes.

1) The police station: ____________

2) The restaurant: ____________

3) The library: ____________

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your own answers

7. Now act out a dialogue asking for directions. Use your ideas from exercise 6 and phrases from exercises 1 and 3.

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your own answers

Extra exercises


Remember that we use the imperative to give directions.

1. Read the Strategy. Then complete the directions with the imperative form of the verbs below. You can use the verbs more than once.

cross      go      take      turn

1) _______ past the hospital.

2) _______ left at the crossroads.

3) _______ the road.

4) _______ over the bridge.

5) _______ straight on.

6) _______ the second right.

7) _______ along Princess Street.

8) _______ to the end of the road.

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1) Go   2) Turn   3) Cross   4) Go   5) Go   6) Take   7) Go   8) Go

2. Read the exam task and decide who is Student A and who is Student B. Then do the role-play. Swap roles.

Student A: You are an exchange student. Choose two places and ask Student B for directions. Choose from the places below or use your own ideas, if necessary.

Student B: Give directions to Student A from your school.

bus station      cinema      gym      park      post office      supermarket

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