Practice English Listening Tests for A1 – Listening Test 17

Listening Part 1 – 5 questions

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.


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Lines should be drawn between:

1) Jim and the tall boy, moving a table

2) Daisy and the girl in the red dress, taking off her coat

3) Peter and the boy wearing jeans, carrying a guitar

4) Paul and the boy near the door in a jacket

5) Mary and the girl dancing and laughing


BOY:   Here’s a picture of us at the school party last Saturday, Mum.

WOMAN:   And some of you are dancing! You’re all enjoying it, I can see!

BOY:   Mmm, yes.

WOMAN:   Look! Is that Jill? The girl in the red sweater?

BOY:   Yes. She can play the piano very well.


WOMAN:   Who’s that? The tall boy.

BOY:   That’s Jim. He’s older than us.

WOMAN:   Oh. Why’s he moving the table?

BOY:   Because more people wanted to dance.


BOY:   And that’s Daisy there.

WOMAN:   Do you mean the girl with the red dress?

BOY:   Yes. She’s taking off her coat.

WOMAN:   Is she in your class?

BOY:   Yes.


WOMAN:   And who’s that with the guitar?

BOY:   Which one? Two people have got guitars.

WOMAN:   I mean the boy who’s carrying one. He’s wearing jeans.

BOY:   Oh, that’s Peter. He can sing and play.


WOMAN:   And who’s that person? The one who’s waiting by the door?

BOY:   That’s Paul. He had to go early.

WOMAN:   Why?

BOY:   His dad came and took him home because he had a headache.

WOMAN:   Oh! He looks sad.


BOY:   And can you see Mary? She came to last birthday party.

WOMAN:   Yes, I know her ___ she’s good at dancing!

BOY:   Yes, she is. She danced with that boy all evening!

WOMAN:   She looks happy! Look! She’s laughing ___

BOY:   It was a great evening.

Listening Part 2 – 5 questions

Listen and write. There is one example.


     Colour:                     red and green

1) Age:                          ________

2) Favourite food:     ________

3) Can say:                   ________

4) Where it lives:        on ________

5) Name:                      ________

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1) (It’s) 19/nineteen (years (old))   2) (It loves) bananas/banana

2) (only (says)) hello   4) (the) balcony   5) Polly


GIRL:   Mr Snow, can I ask you some questions about your parrot?

MAN:   Yes, Ann. What do you want to know?

GIRL:   What colour is it? That’s first question.

MAN:   It’s red and green.

GIRL:   Red and green?

MAN:   That’s right.


GIRL:   How old’s your parrot, Mr Snow?

MAN:   It’s nineteen.

GIRL:   Nineteen! That’s old.

MAN:   No, it isn’t. Parrots live longer than that.


GIRL:   And what does it like to eat?

MAN:   It likes all kinds of food, but it loves bananas.

GIRL:   Are bananas it favourite food?

MAN:   Yes.


GIRL:   And what can it say?

MAN:   Well, all parrots can talk, but ours only says ‘hello’.

GIRL:   Does it say hello to you every day?

MAN:   Yes. Every morning.


GIRL:   And does it live in your garden?

MAN:   No. It doesn’t like the rain. It lives on the balcony.

GIRL:   Does it like being on the balcony?

MAN:   Yes, because it can watch all the people in the street.


GIRL:   And has your parrot got a name?

MAN:   Yes. We call it Polly.

GIRL:   Is that P-O-L-Y?

MAN:   No, it’s P-O-double L-Y.

GIRL:   Great! Thank you for your answers!

MAN:   That’s OK.

Listening Part 3 – 5 questions

What did Sally do last week?

Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture.

There is one example.


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1) Wednesday – sat by waterfall

2) Tuesday – saw a spider on a flower

3) Monday – read a book about monkeys

4) Friday – drew spiders

5) Thursday – bought pictures of animals


MAN:   Good morning, children!

GROUP:   Good morning, Mr Quick!

MAN:   Right, first I want to hear about your holidays.

GIRL:   I went to the jungle, Mr Quick!

MAN:   Did you see any monkeys there, Sally?

GIRL:   On Sunday, we did. They were in the trees.


MAN:   Did you go for lots of walks in the jungle?

GIRL:   No, because it was hot. But on Wednesday we did and we found a waterfall there.

MAN:   Did you have a swim?

GIRL:   No, but I sat on some grass and put feet in the water.


GIRL:   And another day, we went to see some very big plants and flowers.

MAN:   When was that?

GIRL:   It was Tuesday ___ yes, Tuesday. I saw a spider on one big flower.

MAN:   I don’t like spiders!

GIRL:   I do!


GIRL:   But the weather was bad on Monday.

MAN:   So what did you do?

GIRL:   I sat inside are read a book.

MAN:   All day?

GIRL:   Yes. It was an exciting story. It was about a family of monkeys.


GIRL:   One day, I did a lot of drawing.

MAN:   Which day was that? Saturday?

GIRL:   No, Friday. I sat by the river and drew pictures of spiders.

MAN:   Wow! You must show them to me.


MAN:   And what did you do on Thursday?

GIRL:   On Thursday, we walked in the village. It was next to the river.

MAN:   And did you go to the waterfall again?

GIRL:   No. We bought some pictures of the animals there. It was a great holiday!

MAN:   Good!

Listening Part 4 – 5 questions

Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example.

Where’s Ann’s scarf?


1) What is Nick listening to?


2) Which man is Sue’s teacher?


3) What does Pat want to do today?


4) Why has Ben got a stomach ache?


5) What does Bill want to see first at the zoo?


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1) A   2) C   3) C   4) A  5) B


Where’s Ann’s scarf?

GIRL:   I can’t find new scarf, Dad. Is it in your car?

MAN:   No, Ann. You took it off in the garden.

GIRL:   So is it outside?

MAN:   No. I put it in bag. Here.

GIRL:   Thanks.

1) What is Nick listening to?

WOMAN:   Is that loud music on the radio, Nick?

BOY:   No, that’s new CD.

WOMAN:   Can you play it this evening? I’ve got a headache.

BOY:   Well, can I watch television?

WOMAN:   No, Nick. Go outside and play.

2) Which man is Sue’s teacher?

MAN:   I want to talk to your teacher about the school bus, Sue. Where is he?

GIRL:   There, Dad.

MAN:   The man with the beard and glasses?

GIRL:   Not him. teacher’s standing next to him. He’s younger, he’s wearing glasses, but he’s got curly hair.

MAN:   Oh, I see him.

3) What does Pat want to do today?

MAN:   Well, there’s no school today, Pat. What do you want to do? Let’s go sailing.

GIRL:   It’s cold and wet, Dad. Can I do some cooking? I like doing that.

MAN:   Yes, OK. And I must wash car!

GIRL:   You don’t have to do that. The rain can clean your car!

4) Why has Ben got a stomach ache?

WOMAN:   What’s the matter, Ben?

BOY:   I’ve got a stomach ache.

WOMAN:   Did you eat all that watermelon?

BOY:   No ___ but I had a lot of ice cream at the café. I ate all of mine and then I had another big one after that.

WOMAN:   Well, have a drink and go to bed.

5) What does Bill want to see first at the zoo?

WOMAN:   What shall we go and see first, Bill? How about the crocodiles?

BOY:   Not now. I’d like to go and see the tigers first.

WOMAN:   All right. Hmm. They’re next to the giraffes. Let’s go!

BOY:   Great!

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