Practice Listening English Exercises for A1 – People We Know

Getting Ready

Look at the pictures below. What words do you think describe each person?

shy      funny      easygoing      generous      lazy

talkative      a little crazy at time      smart

serious      sociable      kind      hardworking









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Listening 1

People are talking about new friends. Listen and circle the word that describes each person.

1)  a serious

b funny

2)  a shy

b talkative

3)  a serious

b crazy

4)  a smart

b not talkative

5)  a serious

b sociable

6)  a generous

b hardworking

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1) b   2) b   3) b   4) a   5) b   6) a



A: So tell me about your new friend, Ella. What’s she like?

B: She’s really neat. She’s great to be with because she makes me laugh all the time.

A: Oh yeah?

B: Yeah, she’s always telling jokes.


A: What’s your friend Lauren like?

B: She’s nice.

A: Is she shy?

B: Shy? You must be kidding. She tells her whole life story to everyone she meets.


A: Do you know Thomas Brown?

B: Oh, sure. I like Tom.

A: Yeah, me too. He makes me laugh. He’s always doing crazy things.

B: Yeah, I know.


A:  Have you spoken to the new guy in our class, Luke?

B:  Yes, I have.

A:  What’s he like?

B:  Boy, he’s really interesting. He speaks six languages and was the top student at his school.

A:  Oh, great!

B:  No, you’ll like him. He’s really friendly and easy to talk to.


A:  Do you and your boyfriend go out a lot, Kelsey?

B:  Oh sure, he loves going out and meeting people. We go to parties all the time.

A:  He sounds like a lot of fun.

B:  Of course. That’s why he’s boyfriend.


A:  Look what friend Mary gave me for birthday. Isn’t this a beautiful blouse?

B:  That’s really nice. And she gave me a great present for birthday, too. She loves giving things to people.

A: Yeah, she does. And she doesn’t expect anything in return.

Listening 2

Task 1

Are the people in each conversation similar or different? Listen and check (✓) the correct answer.

1) similar


2) similar


3) similar


4) similar


5) similar


6) similar


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1) different   2) similar   3) different

4) similar   5) different   6) similar

Task 2

Listen again. What do you think is true about each person? Circle the correct answer.

1)  a Mr. Grant is funny.

b Mrs. Grant loves to have fun.

2)  a Neither brother likes studying.

b Both brothers go to school every day.

3)  a Mr. Roberts doesn’t talk a lot.

b It’s difficult to talk to Mrs. Roberts.

4)  a Wendy’s boyfriend is very serious all the time.

b Wendy loves to have fun.

5)  a Both teachers are very easygoing.

b Both teachers just started teaching at the school.

6)  a The wife finishes work earlier than her husband.

b The husband works as hard as the wife.

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1) a   2) a   3) a   4) b   5) b   6) b



A: Mr. Grant is really funny, isn’t he? He loves telling jokes. And he’s so easygoing.

B: I know. Then there’s Mrs. Grant. She never seems to smile. I wonder why she’s so serious all the time.


A: Where are Nat and his brother today?

B:  I think they’ve skipped class again.

A: Really? They’re always doing that.

B:  Yeah. They aren’t serious about studying, that’s for sure. All they like to do is sit at home and play computer games.


A:  What are your new neighbors like?

B:  Mr. and Mrs. Roberts? Well, they seem nice. I’ve spoken to Mrs. Roberts several times. She’s very easy to talk to. But I haven’t spoken much to her husband. He’s kind of shy and not very talkative.


A: Have you met Wendy’s new boyfriend?

B: Yeah, I like him.

A: Me, too. I think he’s perfect for Wendy.

B: He sure is. They’re so sociable. They both love partying and they’re both a little crazy at times.

A: That’s for sure.


A: How do you like the new teachers?

B: Well, Mr. Williams is very easygoing, and he’s really smart, too.

A: Yeah, I know. And what about Miss Vaughn?

B: She’s not as easy to get to know. She’s not as easygoing as Mr. Williams. She seems very serious.

A: Yeah. I think so, too.


A: What’s your brother’s wife like?

B: She’s just like brother – serious and hardworking. She’s at the office every night until around 9:00. And so is he.

A: They sound like the perfect couple.

Listening 3

Task 1

Mary is telling Anna about people at her school. What does she like or not like about each person? Listen and check (✓) the correct answer.


Doesn’t like

1) personality

     sense of humor



Doesn’t like

2) personality

     sense of humor



Doesn’t like

3) personality

     sense of humor



Doesn’t like

4) personality

     sense of humor


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1) Likes personality and sense of humor, doesn’t like habits

2) Likes habits, doesn’t like personality or sense of humor

3) Likes sense of humor, doesn’t like personality or habits

4) Likes personality, doesn’t like sense of humor or habits

Task 2

Listen again. Does Anna want to know each person? Check (✓) yes or no.

1) yes


2) yes


3) yes


4) yes


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1) yes   2) no   3) no   4) yes



A: Hey Anna, there’s a guy in Spanish class who’s really cool. He’s really friendly and easy to talk to. He just always seems happy.

B:  Oh, really? He must have a lot of friends.

A:  Yes, I think he does. He tells really funny jokes all the time, too. I’m always laughing in class.

B:  Really? He sounds great!

A:  Well, he is, but he forgets his book every day. Then he asks to share mine. I hate that!

B:  Sounds like we have a lot in common. I always forget book, too. I’d love to meet him. Why don’t you introduce us some time?


A: There’s this new girl in class named Rosie. She always looks like she’s in a bad mood. I don’t know if she’s just very shy or what.

B: Really?

A: Yeah, when someone tells a really funny joke, we all laugh, but she doesn’t seem to think it’s funny.

B: No way!

A: But she is very good at music. She always practices the piano after school.

B: That’s nice. But I don’t think I could get along with her, because laughing and having fun are important to me.


A: There’s this guy who sits in front of me on the bus sometimes. He never talks to anyone. He just sits there and talks to himself.

B: Huh. That’s weird.

A: Yeah. He likes to make people laugh, though. He’s always making funny faces and making animal noises and things like that. Sometimes he’s really funny.

B: That does sound funny.

A: But you know, he always chews gum really loudly. I really hate that!

B: Me, too!


A: There’s a really cute guy from Canada on the basketball team!

B: Oh, yeah?

A: Yeah. And he’s really outgoing. Very friendly, too.

B: Tell me more.

A: Well, it’s difficult to get him to laugh. He doesn’t seem to enjoy any jokes. I guess he’s pretty serious. But he’s very good-looking.

B: Hmm. Sounds cute. Do you know if he has a girlfriend?

A: I’m sure he has lots. He always asks a new girl out on a date every weekend. I don’t like guys like that.

B: Yeah, but as long as he’s cute, I don’t mind.

Conversation Corner: Describing people

Task 1

Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words.

A: Hey Molly, have you met the new guy in our class? ___________ ___________ right next to me.

B: No, I haven’t. What’s he like?

A: He’s really outgoing. He ___________ and ___________ a lot.

B: Really? He ___________ ___________ .

A: Yeah, he is. And he’s funny. He tells jokes every day after class. He’s pretty cute, too.

B: It ___________ ___________ you’re interested in him__

A: Well, I am. But he already has ___________ ___________ .

Task 2

Practice the conversation with a partner.

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A: Hey Molly, have you met the new guy in our class? Hesits right next to me.

B: No, I haven’t. What’s he like?

A: He’s really outgoing. He talks and laughs a lot.

B: Really? He soundsnice .

A: Yeah, he is. And he’s funny. He tells jokes every day after class. He’s pretty cute, too.

B: It seemslike you’re interested in him__

A: Well, I am. But he already has agirlfriend .

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