English Grammar Exercises for A1 – Present perfect (negative and interrogative)

1. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1) had / breakfast / we / haven’t


2) her / Jessica / homework / hasn’t / finished


3) that film / and / haven’t / Lily / Alfie / seen


4) haven’t / / you / email / answered


5) stopped / it snowing / hasn’t


6) haven’t / I / the / done / shopping


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1) We haven’t had breakfast.

2) Jessica hasn’t finished her homework.

3) Lily and Alfie haven’t seen that film.

4) You haven’t answered email.

5) It hasn’t stopped snowing.

6) I haven’t done the shopping.

2. Write replies using the present perfect affirmative with already.

1) Pace your schoolbag, please.

I’ve already packed it.

2) Do you want to read this book?


3) Jeff needs to email Tamara.


4) When are they going to do their homework?


5) Isabella should phone Edward.


6) Don’t forget to set the table.


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2) I’ve already read it.

3) He’s already emailed her.

4) They’ve already done it.

5) She’s already phoned him.

6) I’ve already set it.

3. Write sentences using the present perfect affirmative or negative with already or yet.

1) Jake / tidy his room ✓

 Jake has already tidied his room.

2) Martha / hoover the living room ✗

  Martha hasn’t hoovered the living room yet.

3) Sophia / buy a new mobile phone ✗


4) I / visit Italy ✗


5) You / eat your breakfast ✓


6) Mia and William / arrive at school ✓


7) We / listen to the news ✗


8) I / phone friend Sam ✓


9) He / unloaded the dishwasher ✓


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3) Sophia hasn’t bought a new mobile phone yet.

4) I haven’t visited Italy yet.

5) You’ve already eaten your breakfast.

6) Mia and William have already arrived at school.

7) We haven’t listened to the news yet.

8) I’ve already phoned friend Sam.

9) He’s already unloaded the dishwasher.

4. Write questions with get, and short answers.

1) George / tidy his bedroom ✗

Has George tidied his bedroom yet?

No, he hasn’t.

2) Molly and Fred / clean the bathroom ✓



3) you / change the beds ✗



4) Mum / do the washing up ✗



5) David / do the washing ✓



6) Sarah / do the ironing ✓



7) Emily and Joe / cook dinner ✗



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2) Have Molly and Fred cleaned the bathroom yet? Yes, they have.

3) Have you changed the beds yet? No, I haven’t.

4) Has Mum done the washing up yet? No, she hasn’t.

5) Has David done the washing yet? Yes, he has.

6) Has Sarah done the ironing yet? Yes, she has.

7) Have Emily and Joe cooked dinner yet? No, they haven’t.

5. Write true sentences about your day using the phrases below. Use the present perfect affirmative with already or just and the present perfect negative with yet.

1) have a shower

I’ve already had a shower. / I haven’t had a shower yet.

2) do homework


3) have a drink


4) text a friend


5) recharge mobile


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your own answers

6. Complete the dialogue with the correct present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

Trisha1 _____. you about sister, Judy? (I / tell)

Judy   No, I don’t think so.

Trisha She 2) _____. a new flat. (buy)

Judy   That’s great! Is she living there yet?

Trisha No, she 3) _____. in yet. (not move)

    But she 4) _____. most of her things. (pack)

Judy   5 _____. her new flat? (you / see)

Trisha No, I 6) _____. time. (not have)

Judy   Is she decorating the flat before she moves?

Trisha Yes, Mum and Dad are helping her paint.

Judy   7 _____. ? (they / finish)

Trisha No, they 8) _____. the living room yet. (not paint)

Judy   When is your sister going to move?

Trisha This weekend! 

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1) Have I told   2) ’s bought   3) hasn’t moved

4) ’s packed   5) Have you seen   6) haven’t had

7) Have they finished   8) haven’t painted

7. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1) I’ve justyet got home! The traffic was awful.

2) Take your time. The match hasn’t started alreadyyet .

3) We aren’t hungry. We’ve alreadyyet eaten.

4) Dinner’s ready. Have you set the table justyet ?

5) It’s too late to give me your dirty clothes. I’ve alreadyyet done the washing.

6) Don’t talk to Laura. She’s justyet got up.

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1) just 2) yet  3) already  4) yet  5) already  6) just

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