English Grammar Exercises for A1 – can and adverbs

1. Look at the chart. Complete the sentences below with can or can’t and verbs or phrases from the chart.




play the guitar

ride a motorbike

ride a horse

speak Italian

1) Jack __can play__ the guitar and he ________ horse.

2) Chloe ________ a motorbike, but she __can’t ride__ a horse.

3) James ________ Italian and he ________ the guitar.

4) Jack and James ________, but Chloe can’t.

5) James and Chloe ________, but Jack can.

6) James ________ a motorbike, but Chloe and Jack ________

7) Jack, Chloe and James ________

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1) can ride

2) can ride

3) can speak, can play

4) can speak Italian

5) can’t ride a horse

6) can’t ride, can

7) can play the guitar

2. What can you do? Write questions and true answers with can.

1) cook

     Can you cook?

     Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

2) play a musical instrument.



3) ride a bike



4) speak Russian



5) write songs



6) swim 100 metres



7) sing



8) read people’s thoughts



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2) Can you play a musical instrument? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

3) Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

4) Can you speak Russian? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

5) Can you write songs? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

6) Can you swim 100 metres? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

7) Can you sing? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

8) Can you read people’s thoughts? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

3. Write the adverbs.

1) slow   __slowly____

2) early   ____________

3) hard   ____________

4) careful   ____________

5) good   ____________

6) loud   ____________

7) easy   ____________

8) fast   ____________

9) beautiful   ____________

10) fluent   ____________

11) late   ____________

12) bad   ____________

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2) early   3) hard   4) carefully   5) well   6) loudly   7) easily

8) fast   9) beautifully   10) fluently   11) late   12) badly

4. Choose the correct adjective or adverb to complete the sentences.

1) He’s a slow / slowly driver.

2) Please listen careful / carefully .

3) Vicky has got a loud / loudly voice.

4) Jake learns very quick / quickly .

5) Anna is a beautiful / beautifully dancer.

6) Can you speak Russian fluent / fluently ?

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1) slow   2) carefully   3) loud   4) quickly   5) beautiful   6) fluently

5. Write sentences. Use the present simple and an adverb.

1) Emma’s dad / dance / bad

      Emma’s dad dances badly.

2) Tom / speak French / fluent


3) Peter / play the piano / good


4) William and Kate / get up / early


5) Oliver / sing / loud


6) Holly / learn new vocabulary / easy


7) Jo’s uncle / drive / careful


8) Ellen and Martin / swim / fast


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2) Tom speaks French fluently.

3) Peter plays the piano well.

4) William and Kate get up early.

5) Oliver sings loudly.

6) Holly learns new vocabulary easily.

7) Jo’s uncle drives carefully.

8) Ellen and Martin swim fast.


Write the adverbs from these adjectives. Check your answers in a dictionary.

1) sad   ________.

2) happy   ________.

3) quiet   ________.

4) angry   ________.

5) nice   ________.

6) sudden   ________.

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1) sadly   2) happily   3) quietly   4) angrily   5) nicely

6) suddenly

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